
Will a person be arrested abroad having a warrant issued by a family court and bail jumping here in US?

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If a person jumped bail on harassment charges in family court, left the country and his green card is no longer valid, will he/she be arressted if trying to become a citizen of EU country?




  1. There is some reciprocity between the US and the EU.  If you try to re enter the US, the warrant for your arrest will appear and you may be taken into custody and then extradicted to the warrant issuing State.  

    Trying to become a citizen generally involves running a background check and a criminal history.  So, YES, his arrest warrant would appear at that time, as well as any criminal conduct.

  2. Yes and will be sent back to the country the warrant has been issued from. So I would give up and turn yourself in.  

  3. It is very possible, Europe will deport people back to the United States, along with many other countries now days.  Bail Jumping waves all your rights as a citizen.

  4. well ya  someone can be arrested 4 having a warrant issued by a family court

  5.   I would say that the person who is the plaintiff would use their rights to have law enforcement and the courts, after you..usually haressment charges come out of a municipal court..

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