
Will a "solar glo" bulb be ok by itself for my bearded dragon?

by  |  earlier

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If I got one of these for my baby bearded dragon, would that be good enough or would I still need to get a UVB bulb for the other side of my tank?

My tank is 48 x 18 x 21 (L x W x H) which is 75 gallons.

Also what wattage should I try?




  1. Yes, this is a mercury vapor bulb.  I would go for the higher wattage in a large tank.  Follow manufacturers instructions for how far away it needs to be placed, as they must be further away then common fluorescent bulbs.  These bulbs must still be changed every 6-8 months as they lose UVB potency over time.  You can buy a meter to test UVB output if you want to know for sure.  Also, distance will be determined with heat.  Use a digital probe thermometer to measure basking temps.  Over one side of the tank place the bulb, and the temps for a baby should be 105F.  100F for adults.  They do not need red or night time fact they need total darkness and cool temps at night.

  2. No you need the basking light red and white.  And DO NOT use the sand as the habitat bedding.  We just sent ours to the vet and it is better to use the carpet.  The sand makes them sick.   Just incase you didn't know.  You can get the lights at PetSmart.  They don't have to be fancy or expensive.  Just a reg. red bulb for basking and night and the UV for day to maintain eating.

  3. For starters is it 75 Gallons thast ay to big for a babby you need to get like a small fish Tank fo rit and just a reglar heat lamp bulmb you get a PetSmart should do it

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