
Will a relationship label ruin what we have?

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I've been dating a guy for about three weeks. It's been a blast. We've hung a lot, like last night we were together for nine hours before realizing what time it was. He and I are both afraid that becoming boyfriend and girlfriend could ruin it. Things would change and stuff, even though both of us agree we wouldn't change. Do labels ruin things? If you've been where I am, let me know. Thanks.




  1. Only if you let it. Labels are just labels or a way of describing your relationship.

  2. this could happen just if you will permit! if you guys feel good together and the time goes so fast don't be scared!!! fears and stupid worries can really ruin a relationship! be relaxed!

  3. Well I'd say that youve not been going out enuff time to figure out all of that give it times.. and ask yourself why's it matter if your labeled?

  4. Labels ruin things if all you want is friends with benefits.  Oh wait... that's another label. Gee, my bad.  If you act like you are dating and you guys only want to date each other, then actually dating and accepting the labels "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" shouldn't change a thing.

  5. Do not let the lables ruin what you have if you are enjoying each others company just agree to be exclusive and enjoy things as they are.  if you are ment to be than you will be...  

  6. I'm really not trying to be sarcastic or mean but if you are both afraid of calling what you are doing a relationship then it would lead me to believe that neither of you are ready for a relationship.

    Labels do not ruin things, people do.

  7. a label is just a way to formalize something...keep seeing him,keep having fun...but is there a commitment between you two without the label?

  8. 3 weeks is not that long so you can see how things go.  

    I would be cautious though. Men who think labels ruin things sound like commitment-phobes to me.  But that's just me.

    No, a label does not ruin anything.  Labels don't do anything. The agreement you two have on how to proceed with your relationship is what matters. Yes, that does change things. Things should progress from one level of commitment to a greater level of commitment over time.

    While 3 weeks is not long, if you want to have an exclusive dating relationship with this guy at this point then more power to the both of you and best of luck.  And what you call it is not important as long as you two both know and are in agreement with one another on whether you're exclusive or not.

    Get the commitment you want.  I am not saying you should force the commitment you want on this guy because that's a no-no, but just make sure you're on the same page.  There's nothing worse than "just seeing how it goes" with a guy only to find yourself in love with a guy who is not commited to you.  And once you're in love you'll find yourself compromising on the things you want out of the relationship because it's hard to let go.

    So, protect your heart from the beginning.  Whatever you want to call the relationship is whatever you want to call it.  But, don't fall into the trap of being afraid to get what you want out of a relationship.  Ruining a relationship with labels is so "hollywood".  This is the real world and your heart is on the line.  Try to put your feelings of infatuation aside for a moment and do what's honest and protect your heart!

  9. the sounds of it you're already dating...

    so what's the question here?

  10. it wont ruin anything. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years. We never asked each other out,it just became what it is now. We love it.

    What would be the difference from what you guys have now then saying you're together. Theyre just words

  11. It's just an excuse. He wants all the benefits of a girlfriend without having to step up to the plate and be a boyfriend. But since it's only been 3 weeks, there's not need to define anything yet, unless you're 13 years old.

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