
Will a tattoo on my hand have a negative effect on a potential employer in a job interview?

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I have a tattoo on my hand. I want to get a great career, i want to be a veterinary surgeon. Will my tattoo have a negative effect on a potential employer?

Id like to think that it wouldn't, and cant see why it would, i mean, my tattoos don't reflect the way i work or how hard i work, they simply add to who i am, i think that you should be comfortable in your own skin and i think you should be able to decorate you body in any way you feel necessary!

There seems to be this old stereotype that people who get tattoo's seem to be extreme or something like that! Obviously this isn't true!




  1. if its on your wrist wear a chunky watch not sure about your hand

  2. Yes..people expect those in 'respectable' jobs like doctors and lawyers not to have any tattoos.

  3. It's true there can be a bit of a stigma when it comes to tattoos but at the same time you can ask yourself 'would I want to work for someone that would think less of me for having a tattoo'

  4. potentially yes. most employers prefer tattoos covered.

  5. I am a supervisor and if someone comes into to the job i just look at them and say no way  

  6. Well, if you want to be a surgical vet, you will prob own your own animal clinic - so, you can have as many tattoos as you want!

  7. I would cover it up for the interview, you can buy a cover up cream which works pretty well, at Argos.

    Take out any piercings you might have too, except for earings.

    Good Luck :)

  8. Yes, for the most part it is going to have a negative effect.  Obviously it's not going to really have any relation to how you are as an employee, but that doesn't change the fact that most people still consider tattoos to be "unprofessional."  Especially to a potential employer who's taking your first impression majorly into consideration when hiring someone new.

    If you're that worried about it, then you can buy heavy duty make-up that will cover it.  We sell Dermablend at my work and it's a little costly ($27), but it works.

  9. Hey i wanna be a vet too! Im still 13 tho   ....

    Yea i would think tattoos would hav an effect cos to be a vet they probly want to see how refined and kinda like proper you are so it might make you look a bit    .....  i dunno       =]

  10. it shouldnt matter but it will! try to cover it up for the interview at least.

    i have 13 - full back done, big shoulder piece and big one on my thigh and i never show them during interview UNLESS its that kinda place where you can show off your goods but im an Executive Assistant and i knew i shouldnt.

    once i got hired esp during summer people saw the tats i had but i was already hired with them so there ws nothing anyone can do about it

  11. i work for a very well known company in irvine in the HR dept. i have a small star tattoo on the top of my hand and another star tattoo on my wrist. i cover the one on my wrist with my watch. the one on my hand i leave alone.

    generally, as long as the tattoo isn't offensive, the employer won't mind. i cover the one on my hand if i'm around sr. management, otherwise it's free as a bird!

  12. I think there are some very beautiful and interesting tattoos out there, and I don't have a real problem with the idea of people having their bodies decorated with them. But, (there is always a but), employers do have issues with prominent tattoos, especially with employees who deal with the public directly.

    Vets, like most of the medical profession, animal or human, are expected to project a certain image.  There are people who would consider tattoos on the hands can make the hands look less hygienic and the individual sporting them, less than professional, and in some instances they can look aggressive.

    However, "old-fashioned" that view might be, I think you should be prepared to come up against it and would recommend keeping tattoos above the elbow or on other, less visible areas.  As a nurse (people not animals), I know this would definitely be frowned upon.

  13. I would hope vet's would look past this mark on you and hire you on your abilities. Animals could care less what you look like, only that you have a strong love of them to treat them.

  14. It could, if you are dealing with someone who is conservative. I have tattoo's myself but mine can be covered and this is the reason why. I know how many closed minded people there are in this world who look at our body art as tramp stamps. I don't like it but that is the way it is. I wish you luck and hope you meet some cool people in your working future

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