
Will a used electric guitar have a different sound than a new one?

by Guest58594  |  earlier

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dose the sound of an electric guitar change with use?

or dose it remain the same forever?




  1. A decent used guitar is better than a new guitar.  As guitars age their tone tends to improve.

  2. Depends on how used it is. If you already have it, take it into your local music shop and get it all re-strung and tuned. And ask them to check the neck and make sure it is completely straight. I have an acoustic guitar that was made in 1968 and every one that plays it is always amazed with how good it sounds. By the way that will cost like 20 dollars. I just got mine re-strung last week.

  3. well, if it's really, REALLY used, then yea, it'll probubly sound different, but if u just buy new strings, it should sound normal

  4. Every guitar, even two of the same model, will have its own individual sound. Since the guitar itself is an organic thing, its sound will in fact change as time goes on. The primary difference between new and used is that the wood in a used guitar has aged and settled so the sound is typically better (depending on the type of guitar and wood used that is).

    What's important while shopping around for one is which instrument sounds better to your ear. A guitar's sound can be slightly changed by swapping out electronics, using different strings, altering the setup, etc... The trick is to find one you like to start with.

  5. you will only notice a difference with truly vintage instruments. wood ages, capacitor values change, etc. unless you plan on buying a 50's strat there should be nothing to worry about. a well cared for instrument should play and sound good for ages.

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