
Will a weight lift affect a 2k erg performance the next day. Help Please!!!?

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Will a weight lift affect a 2k erg performance the next day. Help Please!!!?




  1. Lifting the day before might just make you too tired tomorrow and if this 2k is really important to you I wouldn't lift. However, you should definitely start lifting to improve your score over time! Good Luck! :)

  2. Call me stupid, but what water sport does this pertain to.?  Maybe we need more information and less acronyms for a proper answer to be given!!

  3. I typically would not lift before a race, even one as short as 2k.  Maybe it is partly mental but there is certainly no advantage to lifting the day before anyways.

  4. You should be looking to taper off (i.e. reduce quantity of) your training around a week before a 2k test (i presume this is what you are talking about). This should culminate in a 24 hour period (at least) before the test where you do pretty much no exercise, or nothing that could be described as strenuous.

    Therefore, i i would strongly advise against lifting right before a 2k, you run a high risk of fatiguing your muscles and affecting your performance the next day,

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