
Will a wii fit board from america play in the uk ?

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if i buy a wii fit board from america will it play on my uk wii box




  1. The actual board will work, but unfortunately the Wii Fit game itself will NOT work, due to region lockout.

    If you want to play on a UK console you'll have to buy Wii Fit from a PAL region (UK, Europe, Australia etc.)

  2. As others have said, it won't work - this is mainly due to the software (only European Wii Fit software will work in the UK, eg a Wii Fit from France or Germany). However, it has also been reported that a Wii Fit from, say, Japan, America, Australia, etc won't always sync to a UK Wii.

    Power wouldn't be a problem though as Wii Fit uses four AA batteries (incidentally, it's worth looking into buying some of Sanyo's new 'Eneloop' rechargeable batteries - they use a standard NiMH charger, the batteries are already mostly charged when you buy them AND they hardly  discharge at all when not in use, unlike normal rechargeables).

  3. No, you must have an American Wii to play an American WiiFit.

  4. I do not know Wii equipment but I would say NO,   as the voltage is not the same in the USA, it is 110v, so if you need to plug it in to the mains it will blow, also the American video coding is NTSL and England is PAL so it wold not work correctly. I would advise against it.

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