
Will a yeast infection heal itself or do you need medication?

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i'm pretty sure i have a yeast infection but the symptoms aren't that bad and i've had it for like 2 days and dont have time to go to the doctor and i'm not sure if buying something like monistat would really help. Will it just go away or should i seek help?




  1. Yeast infections do not go away on their own unfortunately. Over-the-counter medications do tend to help somewhat but not 100%. Even though you say you don't have time to go to the doctor, your best bet is going. Hope this helps. Yeast infections are an awful thing to have....

  2. it won't just go away, yeast is a living organism and will continue to grow. The monistat 3 or 7 day treatments usually work better than a 1 day treatment. Also avoid sugar and highly processed carbs like pasta and white bread while you have this, these foods will feed yeast. Probiotics or eating yogurt with "live cultures" can help also. If 3-5 days after completion treatment there is no improvement or it returns, you should see a Dr for stronger medication. Make sure you inform the Dr of the steps you have taken before you came in for medical treatment.  

  3. go to a doc and get meds

  4. It won't just go away.  The over-the-counter stuff never works for me (I had a really bad reaction to Monistat 1-Day once that basically ended with me looking like I had gotten a collegen injection in the WRONG end of my body).  I have found a battery of home remedies that work really nicely for me.  

    You need to go to a doctor first of all to get this diagnosed - that is important.  Your doctor can then prescribe you something like Diflucan to knock out the infection.

    Yeast can largely be controlled by diet.  Sugar feeds yeast so you shouldn't eat too much of it.  You can also take acidophilous supplements - I take a brand called Florajen - which will help repopulate the "good bacteria" in your innards.  When I feel an infection coming on I peel a clove of garlic and cram it into my vag at bedtime.  Garlic kills yeast and for me it nearly always works if I catch it early enough.

    I cannot say whether any of this will help you but I think you should go to your doctor before you try anything.  It might not even be yeast! It could be bacterial, in which case anything you do will just make it even worse.

    Good luck!

  5. I have had it a couple of times, and each time it was just before my period was due. When my period started, the symptoms disappeared. I never did get treatment for it. Just drunk a lot of water, washed with soothing intimate wash and changed my pantyliner regularly.

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