
Will acting against what you like or want lead to feeling miserable?

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I heard this question in a dream. Then I heard the answer.

Words are tricky.

When your actions, and that includes thoughts sometimes,

are of a contrary or even different vibration than what you want, then yes, it will feel bad. When your acts do not lead you to attract what you want, you will also feel bad. That is your inner self letting you know that you are going in the wrong direction or taking wrong steps. Not that the steps are wrong like in and of themselves, just that for whatever your aim is, they are inappropriate. Most people call that conscience or some others `hunches` or gut feelings.

What do you think ? Is the answer understandable?




  1. i don't like or want to work but i feel better about myself at the end of the day when i've done something.

  2. Not only is it understandable'; it's obvious!  If you do something that's against your own self interests, regardless of what you believe or what you thought the outcome might be, you have predicated your own unhappiness and misery.  For instance, let's say that you lie, cheat and steal, and you think that nobody is noticing and you're getting away with it.  Then, you get caught in the act, and, all of a sudden, you have the reputation of being a scumbag, and you don't like it.  What did you think was going to happen.  There's a lot more to this subject, and we can kick it around some more if you're interested.  

    P.S. That guy...what's his it totally wrong about altruism.

  3. Live with integrity. You are not going to be so conflicted if you do.

  4. Yes I understand 100% I have been in a situation for three years and as much as I want this thing to happen my hunches and my gut feelings tell me or have told me it will end in disaster and it is a waste of my time.  I wanted something so badly and saw it and some things to what I liked or say even loved made some head way in my wanting it but in the end because I know the truth and I have always known the truth my pure desires have not been the same as my total belief system there I am sad and miserable about the situation because it goes right to my sweet heart but on a happy positive vibrartion I have learned and reflected and looked deep within myself for why I liked this situation and went against my better judgement when I knew the truth it has been a healing process and it has made me stronger and I feel great about myself . You will get exactly what you think about and even what you do not want you will get that too and then you must take the hard way and the deep soul search within yourself to take the proper steps towards the truth of your inner being with your source energy call it God, Spirit it has helped me in dark negative times of emotions and thoughts and actions thanks for the question peace :))

  5. Absolutely right.

    Some people also call it "Heart" (listen to your heart).

    When Buddha got enlighten he said that all our human misery lays in our wishes/desires, so you could also question if miserable that we feel doesn´t come from the very same desire?

    In any case, yes. The inner mechanisms always signalize us wrong directions.

  6. Yes, words can be tricky. That's why you have to watch what you tell yourself, and know what it is that you really want.

         I want cigarettes....or at least I think I do, BUTT!! I quit smoking AGAIN last Monday. I also want some Vodka, because right now a s***w-driver sounds really good. I was lying on my couch feeling sorry for myself, cause I don't do that stuff anymore. Then my kitten climbed onto me and started purring. I looked at his funny face and smiled at how dorky he looks. He has a face only a Mother could love....and I love my sweet Catty Dread.   I started to feel a lot better & realised that I was the one allowing myself to feel miserable.

         We don't ever have to feel miserable unless that's what we want.  It's all about refocusing. I do like cigarettes & booze, but I like my cats more!

  7. Acting against what you want is called "altruism." It is the negation of your ego, for the purposes of others. The word was coined by Comte.

    "[Altruism for] Comte meant the discipline and eradication of self-centered desire, and a life devoted to the good of others; more particularly, selfless love and devotion to Society. In brief, it involved self-abnegat[ion]..." Dictionary of Philosophy

    Altruism always leads to feeling miserable. Mother Theresa wrote that for 12 long years she felt miserable, believing her God had forsaken her. At least Jesus only had a few minutes like that--with nails holding him to a cross.

  8. I presume your question includes 'what you believe in'? If that's the case, then most definitely, doing anything against one's beliefs does make you miserable.

  9. It makes sense to me!

  10. maybe maybe mot

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