
Will acupuncture make a big difference?

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I've been researching acupuncture and hoping it will help me; I was wondering if anyone has firsthand experience. These are the things I am looking to remedy (a lot of them kinda go hand in hand):

-mild depression/anxiety (mostly related to PMDD)

-trouble losing weight (mostly due to thyroid)

-chronic allergies (clogged nose and ears, ear problems include recurring middle ear infections with dizziness)

-TMJ, which is related to chronic headaches and body tension.

The third one is kind of just a bonus, but its important to me to fix the TMJ, and the weight loss and mental health. Also, can it improve your skin? Am I going to need a lot of sessions to fix these things, and will it even help? Can I talk to my acupuncturist about all these things at once? Anyone had success with any of these particular ailments and acupuncture? I'd love any input at all, thanks.




  1. The thing that got me interested acupuncture was in the 1960's

    When the cold war on the President  of the U S A wanted the support of china and the Americans sent to china 30 paraplegics all in wheelchairs after 36 monthly treatments 29 were able to walk unaided.that's 3 years.

    If the acupuncture can do that I think there is a need for both system's of medicines.

    Just like western medicine there are good and bad M D's.


  2. Acupuncture works by balancing the system as a whole,

    removing blockages and improving the flow of "chi" through the body.  you do sound as though this would be helpful.I think it would be worth discussing your problems with a competant practitioner. It has done a great deal for me over many years, I have serious heart problems, and although a different situation it  has  really been invaluable. I would say give it a go. It could be that several of your symptoms have a root cause and if that were tackled it would bring benefits for you.

  3. Try to find a good Acupuncturist...sometimes the not so good ones don't know the exact point and you end up getting worst than before...........but........Acupuncture is an excellent therapy for you, in fact all your symptoms are related believe it or not!!! You can benefit from Homeopathy as well..........And there's another therapy that will help you a great deal which is called "Magnetic Therapy" ...It's OK to spend a little on your health, at least it helps you live longer!! :-)) no just kidding, but All the 3 Therapies are very effective if done by a professional.............

    Your immune system needs a boost so try echinacea tablets for 1/5 months each year to jump start it....

    Good Luck

    p:s You can get 2xheavy duty magnets and do the MT at home....but you should read and study the how to's....get a book to guide you through it...

  4. try massage first. go to a reputable massage therapist that has  deep knowledge in TCM and Chi.... if they do accupressure and shakra work it may help... i would try this first because it is a lot cheaper that accupunture....

  5. it may help you significantly, if the acupuncturist is legitimate.

    DONT go with someone cheaper just because theyre cheaper.

    ESPECIALLY with acupuncture, as the doctor should fully understand your problems before doing it or suggesting it..

    that said find the one who is most qualified to do it, not based on their price charged.

    its extremely rare that any health insurance will cover acupuncture as americans and american companies are highly skeptical about many chinese and asian medicines and treatments used.  of course we prefer pills here in america. capitalism cant make enough money on natural herbs.

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