
Will adding insulation in my attic help cool down my upstairs?

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I already have insulation up there, but the upstairs of my house is around 10 degrees hotter than the downstairs.




  1. yes!  consider an attic fan, too.  don't forget to seal all cracks around windows, door, and all other area.  rugs and window coverings can insulate the home, too.  hot air rises, so install ceiling fans in your upstairs room.

  2. It will help, but hot air will continue ti rise from the lower level.

    See if you can reduced some of that also.

  3. yes this will help also a attic fan to pull the hot air out of your attic will help to

  4. It may help, but as you know heat rises, can you open an upstairs window and a downstairs window on the north side of the house so that cool air can flow in and circulate up and push the hot air out?

    We open all our windows at night to let cool air in and close them early in the morning to keep the hot air out.  This works till about mid after noon.

    Good luck

  5. Hot air rises. Extra insulation might reduce the

    heat gain through the roof,but I don't think that's

    your main problem.

  6. Yes , and keep it warmer in the winter!

  7. should help, the attic usually gets a LOT hotter than outside, so keeping that heat from coming through the ceiling should help a lot.

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