
Will adoption will be the right decesion?

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My marriage has completed 4 years and we have no child. My wife cant conceive & she know this before marriage also. She is very adjustable in my family & take care of my parents from morning to night. She is loving & having very nice nature & well adjusted in family & society. She is having guilty of what she have done wrong with me. I have also spent all good & bad time with her till now. She is ready to left me & also ready to adopt a child. She want me happy.

Please help me what I do. If I adopt the child. will my child get respect in future in south Indian/ Indian society ? How my adopted child will be treated in society ? What happen when my child came to know in future that he/she is adopted ? Please think twice & give me answer.




  1. yes :)

    im adopted

    and i love it

    it was hard to accept at first,

    but now i realize it was for the best

  2. I have friends that are adopted, and adoption is a wonderful thing. If you are worried about how your child will be treated in the future, then adopt an American baby.

    I personally cannot answer this question for you, it is up for you and your wife to decide.

    My advice is to pray about it. God has a plan for you.

  3. Adoption is a beautiful thing, go ahead and give a child in need a good home

  4. if it makes u happy then yes adopt... and not to say u should hide it by why deos society have 2 know the child is addopted...

    Poll about toilets seats :)

  5. Most of us here are not from India and will not be able to give you an answer to whether or not your child will get respect in Indian society.

    It sounds like you and your wife are happy together, except about not having children.  I think the really important question is do both of you think that you can love a child not of your blood?  What if the child acts in ways that you don't like? Don't adopt unless you really, really,  believe that you and your family will accept this child as your own child, no matter what.  

    If you adopt, you must always tell your child that he or she is adopted. If you don't, someone will tell your secret later. How would you feel if you found out now that you were adopted? It would be better to always know than to find out that your whole family lied to you.

    As for society, and how your child will be treated, society is changing all the time.  When my parents were married it was a problem because they were not the same race.  Now, where I live, no one cares.  You would know best how things are where you live. I would say,  though, that if people where you live see your whole family treat your child with proper respect then they might as well.  If you treat your adopted child badly, that tells other people they can too.

  6. You should contact an adoption agency, they will have the information you are looking for. Not only can they tell you what the laws are or what the time constraints are going to be, but they can help prepare you for the best ways to discuss adoption with your children once they are old enough to understand.

    I'm adopted and it has never bothered me. Even though I am old enough now to go and find my birthparents, that isn't important because my adopted parents are the ones I love and care about. I've never really been bothered or stressed out by my situation. If anything I'm more grateful to my adopted parents for raising me and loving me then I think many children are to their birth parents.

  7. Just look at what you have to offer a child! Seriously...somewhere out there is a baby/child who needs you...not just anyone, but YOU and your wife...please don't make them wait...go and find them. They will be CHOSEN, and thus special.

  8. i think u should adopt

  9. In India children are dying in the streets, you are wondering if you should adopt?  Your pretty selfish if you have to think about it, adopted children should always be happy in their situation .. and times are changing even in India. Prejudice should not be a consideration only that you want to have a family with your good wife.

  10. if you have a home and loving family to offer a child who needs both then do it!

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