
Will air cadets help me?

by Guest56633  |  earlier

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Will joining air cadets help me towards getting into university and taking a course like aviation ? Will they care ?




  1. Yes they will. I am with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets

    You learn a lot

    the activities are great

    people are great, you get involved in the community a lot

    its free

    they PAY for your private pilot's license, courses, flights and all

    they have great counselors helping you like now, I take some of the juniors up in my plane to show them a little what its like.

    they have counselors there guiding you towards whatever field in aviation. they probably won't pay for the university but they're helpful and it's fun.

  2. I was in the air cadets (ATC).  If you are going to lead a career in the aviation industry it will help you, as it teaches you a lot about aircraft + you get to fly and lead towards you first ever solo flight in a glider.

    It will be a plus on you CV and you University application but in reality to go to University and do a degree in aviation you do need to have good grades in Maths, Physics, and English.

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