
Will airplanes in the future go out of orbit and into space to speed up travel time?

by Guest45338  |  earlier

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I could have sworn that I saw a commercial airlines working on this concept. Supposedly going out of orbit, you can travel anywhere in the world in 45 minutes! Please let me know if this is true or a myth. If someone has a link with details that would be even better! Cheers.




  1. It's not a myth!  For planes to go faster, they're going to need to fly higher.  *shrug*  The issue is developing a platform and powerplant that can handle the issues of flying high at a high mach number and flying slow at low altitudes to land the thing.  It's a compromise.  When you boil it down, this is what flying is.  It's a compromise among thrust, lift, drag, and weight.  

    Getting this platform to WORK is the issue.  Remember the Concord?  That was the "best" attempt we had from research in the mid part of the last century to get us flying at faster speeds.  They shut it down a few years ago due to the costs becoming prohibitive.  *shrug*

  2. They are working on that concept now. I wouldn't expect to see a practical application in commercial use for quite some time though. The costs and infrastructure are very expensive.

  3. its true. (only if you meant going into orbit to speed up travel time)

    Probably more a aerospace company working on the concept, not an airline themselves. However, it may not be exactly into orbit. The craft will be most likely suborbital. Same advantages as orbital but expends less fuel and loosens the technical requirements on the spacecraft/aircraft.

    many advantages, most are obvious, speed, zero air resistance, no sonic boom to disturb anyone, no weather issues etc.

    the question of air is easily solved. The cabin will be pressurized like airliners of today. And air can be stored in tanks or produced by certain chemical reactions. (like what NASA is using to keep their astronaust alive)

    however, it will take decades before this type of travel will become affordable to the average person wanting to go somewhere to visit or on a vacation.

  4. If it's a way to save fuel they will make it happen.

  5. sorry to say this but its a myth think about how fast we would have to go to get into space.  Also no oxeygon lol cant spell unless we r wearing space suits. Hope this helps.

    ps. anything is possible!

  6. well, its not a myth. they are working on it. but im not sure how efficient its going to be.

    You guys shud have heard of Reaction Engg, they have developed an A/C which could reach speeds of Mach 5 for commercial aviation and they tend to fly higher than usual commercial jets.

    So, it shud improve in days to come.

    as of american rule, if a human flies above 83000 ft , he is called an astronaut , so how many astronauts if commercial jets fly in space??

    but, there is a lotta time to start flying in space.

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