
Will alcohol show on drug test?

by Guest63760  |  earlier

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I drank like a few sips of hennasy friday night. less then a shot. tomorow i may have a drug test. Is there any possible way this could show on the test?? i might just be paranoid but i want to be sure




  1. if you are over the age of 21 i would tell the doctors that you drank before they test you because yes, i do believe it shows up.

    alcohol only stays in your system for like a day however, so you should be fine and you can just drink a lot just in case.

  2. no

  3. They rarely test for that in normal drug tests.

  4. Alcohol typically leaves the bloodstream within 24 hours. Besides, they don't typically test for alcohol. They're looking for controlled substances such as marijuana, etc.

  5. No, it only stays in your system for 24 hours.

  6. Given a generic "drug test", you are tested for drug use, most of which stay in the system for between 1 day and a week.  Alcohol is extremely difficult to test for and you almost have to catch a person while he/she is in the act of drinking to get a positive alcohol test.  This is why.  A shot of whiskey, a 4 oz glass of wine and a 12 oz been all have approximately .02 % alcohol in them.  The body metabolizes (uses up) about .02% of alcohol per hour.  Although, in reality, it doesn't seem to metabolize it as fast as you drink it, thoretically, if you limited you drinking to say, a small glass of wine an hour, the body would metabolize it in an hour.  So as you can see, there is absolutely no possible way a few sips several days or even yesterday, are going to show up on a drug test.  I emphasize the word "drug".  You didn't say alcohol test.  Drug tests are for drugs and entirely different tests check for alcohol.  Don't worry, you're OK.

  7. The alcohol will have been out of your system for a long time.  Plus, unless this is for federal/ state probation, they won't be looking at your blood alcohol levels.

  8. dont worry ....

    in one sentence i will solve ur prob..

    try drinking lots of water and p**s off ....

    it really works....i ve tried it.

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