
Will ambien show up on a drug test for employment?

by  |  earlier

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how long is it in your system




  1. i don't think so. usually jobs test for illegal substances such as marijuana, cocaine, etc.  this isn't illegal or something that would thrawt test results.

  2. Absolutely not.  They d have to be looking specifically for it.  The test cost over 200 dollars.  I doubt any company is willing to shell out that kind of money in addition to a 7 or 9 panel screening test.  Ask for a copy of your chain of custody form. you can see the test code on it.  Go to the lab s website, ie quest, etc and search for the test code.  this will tell you exactly what they re testing for.

  3. yes it will  only  24 hrs or less..this drug is not a contolled substance

  4. well even if it does show up, it's not illegal it's a sleeping pill!

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