
Will america join in the war between georgia and russia?

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im just kinda scared, cuz i cant ask my parents cuz they will give me a 30 minute speech about wars and history and all that blah that im just ignore, i just wana know peoples opinion, cuz no one really knows, but what do u htink? do you think we will get involved? or will we mind our own business?




  1. Not a chance.  We don't mind putting some third world country into its place when it messes up and threatens us, but we are not about to take on one of the 2 other superpowers on the planet.  Not going to happen in anyway what so ever; and if it did...sell everything, run and hide.

  2. It is our business, but no we will not get in a war over this.

    Actually Russia has done the world a great favor by their foray back into Imperialism. It is a wake-up call to all who have become complacent. Security for the former Soviet Republics will become a top priority.

  3. We will get involved in a indirect way.  

    I see a HUGE Humanitarian Assistance mission with a military presence involved.

    Georgia was wrong for pushing Russia's buttons.

    Russia was wrong for pummeling Georgia.  

    I feel bad for all the civilian deaths.  

    EDIT - NetJr, Iraq is NOT a 3rd world country!  Look them up on CIA World Fact -

    Afghanistan has been behind the times since the late 70s, but that is only because they have been at war for almost 40 years!

    EDIT - Tabby and WayDMS... read back thru history and look what happens to the US when we become isolationist!  I do not want to be the "world police" either, but we live in a finite world with finite resources against people who believe the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.  If we dont stop leaders like Saddam, we will be losing so many lives when they turn into Hitlers.

  4. Never. By the way you can calm down. The war is over))) The only thing that bothers me is that we can't see the truth about this war on tv. There's a kind of bull$hit

  5. no.....Russia is pulling out on Monday...and even if they didnt we wouldnt "get into anything" with them...even tho we like to police the world we know better than to start sh** lik all that

  6. I think it would be wise for all countries to keep out of the war and not repeat history

  7. No we will not. Next war will be Iran and it will be soon. Marines in Iraq are killing insurgents and finding out from there body they are from Iran.

  8. we never mind our own business but i dont think we will because we have enough problems as it is

  9. no we dont have enough troops to commit to that kind of fight right now, but if it came down to it the russians would withdraw from georgia, they are not suicidal and they cant fight a conventional war with the U.S anymore, no one can, so they would have to use nukes and there nuclear arsenal is all land based and nearly impossible to hide, if we had to we could strike first with our ballistic subs and destroy their launch silos, after that we would have already won

    pray it never comes down to that because nothing is a guarantee

    "Da Man" you cant really be that stupid can you? i bet you love that movie red dawn, that couldent really happen the U.S Navy is unmatched in this world and so is the Air Force, both are basically un-tapped, so do some real research and stay away from hollywood ****

  10. If the US gets involved with anymore wars that don't have anything to do with us then the US are idiots. I live in the US. I slightly hate it because it seems that EVERY single war or dispute that takes place we have to be a part of. The US is stretching its resources waayy too much. We should have just kept out of foreign affairs just like George Washington wished.  

  11. I would be kind of surprised if we did even though our country is great at putting our nose in everybody's business. We seem to have our plate pretty full right now (not that that has ever really stoppped us in the past). Of course this is just my opinion.

  12. It depends. I personally think that we have no business getting involved. But Bush is the one person that would be stupid enough to run his mouth to a point where we get pulled in. Hopefully we won't get pulled in because if we do our economy will completely crash. Even though wars are suppose to strengthen the economy, due to the hunt for terrorists in Iraq it has completely destroyed all the money that our government has saved for future funding and for social security.  If we can make it to the elections without getting involved I'm pretty sure that we'll be in the clear.  

  13. It wont happen, Russia is the country we cannot beat. if our "president" knew anything he would stay away because russian troops would come to america, the war wouldn't be in in russia, it would be in the us and georgia

  14. Yeah they will!, but they will wait till the whole country is trashed before they claim they saved us all!!!.

    "cough WWII cough"

  15. We won't go to war because we dont want it to go nuclear.

  16. we'd need a lot of help. we're not in such hot shape. i want to get over there and stop it though! i'm the kind of girl who wants to go to war and stand up for democracy. but it's just not realistic for us now.

    but i sense a cold war coming on... the US can't make a big move, russia can't s***w around with nato... it's proly gonna get really sneaky.

    don't be scared sweetie, wars will come and go forever.

    "pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light"

  17. Lets hope so! The news is so boring these days!!


    I doubt that we will unless its part of a UN force.

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