
Will american football ever conquer the uk?

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Searching forums i found some us call it the g*y version of american football, but surely that would be the ones wearing the protective gear, with those big helmets?! Ahem.. Ok, was stretching it a bit with 'shinty', the highlands male version of hockey, whacking each other with big wooden sticks and little or no protective gear *sound familiar?!*, but i found on google there IS a london shinty team! Lol look it up..




  1. ha ha ha.

  2. I'm afraid not. I used to watch all the games on TV here but after visiting the US back in the 80's & going to several games I lost my enjoyment of the game. Each time I left I found myself leaving earlier into the game. Highlights on TV are ok but the game is to long with to many breaks. Touchdown commercial break, point after then commercial break, kick off then commercial break. Thats about 10 minutes of ads when a team scores.

  3. Perhaps will。

  4. No it will not because it's boring and to many men throwing yellow dusters about.

    Went to one game out of curiosity once - bored shiteless. Always stop & start - c**p game

  5. we don't chew as much gum as the americans do so baseball is a no.

  6. Shinty?  

    American Football is rugby with all the good bits taken out and replaced with bad bits.

    It'll never take off in this country.

    When are you gonna invite the rest of the world to this World Series anyway?

  7. no.

  8. American football will never compete with association football in the UK. It won't even compete with minority sports like rugby league. It just does not capture the imagination in Britain, therefore it won't capture the money either. It didn't even hold its 2am slot on Channel 4.

  9. not until fish ride bicycles it won't

  10. No, we find it boring. Too much stopping and starting, and very difficult to understand what it is all about if you hav`nt been brought up with it.  Rugby Union is a great game though, you can actually see the players, not just a suit of armour.

  11. No, I don't think that American Football will get any bigger over here in the UK. However,  the way you guys nurture your sports and the money that is available I do feel that in perhaps 10 or 20 years you will be competitive enough to compete in Europe and the World in football. David Beckham is proof enough of this in the way he is raising the profile of the beautiful game. Interesting question though!

  12. It's having a bit of a boost of popularity at the moment, partially due to the international series games at wembley, but I don't think it'll "conquer" the UK ever.

    Football is always going to be "the" sport for the UK i think, but maybe it'll continue to increase in popularity.

  13. nah love football toooo much

    you can give us NASCAR though  that rocks !!!

  14. Never in this lifetime when weve got rugby (and we dont need helmets for it)

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