
Will an HD DVD player enchance the picture quality of regular DVDs?

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By HDMI imput do you mean the HDMI cord?




  1. NO it will never back at more than its recorded resolution

  2. I think so. Do you mean it gives & support a better picture? You try with the Toshiba HD-A3 player.

  3. depends on the hd dvd player

  4. Short answer yes. The introduction of Blu-ray and HD-DVD has confused the issue regarding the difference between the upscaling of standard DVD and the true high definition capability of Blu-ray and HD-DVD. A standard DVD player, without upscaling, can output video resolution at 720x480 (480i).

    Upscaling is a process that mathematically matches the pixel count of the output of the DVD signal to the physical pixel count on an HDTV, which is typically 1280x720 (720p) or 1920x1080 (1080i - and, some cases, 1080p).

    To get the full impact of true high definition viewing from a disc format, you need to have either a Blu-ray or HD-DVD player connected to an HDTV via an HDMI connection and be viewing actual Blu-ray or HD-DVD disc content.

    Another point is that all HDTVs do have their own internal scalers as well. This fact often gives way to comments that upscaling DVD players aren't needed, because an HDTV will upscale all incoming signals to its native display resolution anyway.

    In response, you have to keep in mind that the scalers built into most HDTVs are very basic and often times do not have advanced processing to eliminate scaling artifacts, such as jagged edges, motion adaptive noise reduction, and noise. All things considered, chances are that an upscaling DVD player will have better video upscaling capability than a typical HDTV. (The best upconverting DVD player on the market today is made by OPPO, utilizing Faroudja video processing technology), will make those old SD movies look like they were made in HD.

  5. Yes. HD DVD players upconvert normal DVDs and output up to a 1080p signal (depending on player) to the display.

    My HD-A2 gives almost as good a picture from DVDs as my Oppo 971 upconverting DVD player (one of the best) and the picture on my 720p projector is almost as sharp as an HD DVD. In fact, I no longer buy HD DVD disks because on my equipment there is insufficient benefit to justify the much higher cost of disks.

    I assume (but can't verify with my equipment) that there would be a bigger difference on a 1080p projector (or HDTV).

    So, yes HD DVD players enhance picture quality of DVDs ... but they can't make a DVD match an HD DVD. At 720p they can come close though!

  6. Most of them upconvert the resolution to 1080i so yes I dont know of any that do not upconvert but you have to have a HDMI input on your tv.

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