
Will an HD antenna help me?

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DirecTV can't seem to figure out how to send me my local channels in HD, despite the fact that they are all broadcast in HD.

All of the networks have given me waivers, so that I can watch the west coast feed in HD. My local NBC affiliate has refused to approve the waiver, so now I can only watch NBC in standard def. But I really want to watch Heroes in HD.

I live in an area where antennas don't really work for regular television. Because of the distance to the network, and the mountains and trees that are in the way, most antenna signals provide only a scratchy, snowy picture.

Considering that, would an HD antenna help me? Would I end up with a crappy pic anyway, or is the signal such that I could get past those issues?




  1. With HD being digital, either you will get a signal or not.  Crappy isn't an option (except when they freeze all the time).  If you don't get regular reception you probably won't get HD either.

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