
Will an Internship matter to a future Employer?

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I graduate with my BS in Marketing in December and I was offered an internship for this Fall Semester. The position is Market Research Analyst Intern for a non-profit organization.

*Will having intern experience on my resume increase my chances of employment or will it not matter to a future employer?

*If anyone has had an internship and would like to share whether or not it has actually helped after graduation, please do!




  1. Absolutely.  I've done some recruiting in the past and I always looked for people with experience.  If you have an internship you may not get paid a lot, or any, but you'll be getting that experience that puts you a cut above the people who don't have it.  

    I have a BS in Marketing and I am back not for an MBA in Marketing.  I've had 2 internships, one that turned into a Marketing job, and the other doing Market Research for an IT division of a company.  

    DO IT!

  2. Having an internship will greatly enhance your resume as it provides you with actual work experience and shows your are motivated and interested in your field.

    The biggest gripe I see on Yahoo Answers is people new to the job market having trouble getting hired due to lack of experience.

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