
Will an Obama administration work hard to restore the 70% marginal income tax rates of the Carter days?

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Doesn't that sound like a great idea? All of that government revenue that would flow for "programs", oops I mean "investments" (give me a Clinton to spin government spending as an investment!) if we taxed every marginal dollar of income at 70%. Surely the people starting and growing businesses and investing money to earn a return wouldn't stop producing! Of course not!! Incentives don't matter! Everything government does can be viewed from a static perspective!

{Bunnies hop, birds chirp, the common good is providing for everyone!!!! Awwwww!!}




  1. Great expectations bro...

    Everyone ...all together now...kiss a terrorist and hug a tree!

  2. No I do not fear that if I vote for Obama that he will have a tax rate of 70% for everyone.

  3. Sounds good to me. If America is stupid enough to elect the token black man then we deserve it.

    And you forgot to say they will all hold hands light candles and sing Kum Bah Yah.

  4. Obama and work hard is an oxymoron. He tends to play possum when important matters come up for vote.

  5. I wonder what Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Muhammad Ali Jafari meant when he said that the cancerous Israel would vanish soon “by means of the Hizbullah fighters’ radiation [therapy].” If Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, what could he have meant by “radiation therapy”

    I wonder why, at the US-Islamic forum, Muslims embraced Barack Obama: Many Muslim delegates said they hoped to see Obama win the Democratic nomination and go on to be elected next November to succeed US President George W. Bush. I wonder if it is because Obama worshiped as a Muslim with his father (a child of Islam takes the religion of his father) and that we have never seen that he “changed” religions. If he did, why has there been no call for his death as is the law when one changes from Islam? What change and hope do these folks really want to see.

    You can bet Obama is bad for this country, and people had better wise up.

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