
Will an RE4 in the U.S.A. bar me from joining the French Foreign Legion?

by Guest66845  |  earlier

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I hope you all are a little more informed than the Army recruiter I spoke with who'd never heard of an RE4.




  1. It doesn't bar you but it wont help.  

  2. Doubt if it would stop you from joining the "Foreign Legion".

    But you better learn French real fast...

    Plus you automatically lose your American Citizenship...

  3. French Foreign Legion will take anybody as long as your not wanted by Interpol or by French authorities ( I assume about the French authorities ). You have to pay for your airfare there and have money to pay for your airfare back. You also need to be able to fill the physical requirements and if your over 30 don't even try, because I've never seen a 30 year old or older in any of the videos.  Only 1.out of 9 people who apply get accepted into the French Foreign Legion. Also noticed that a overwhelmingly majority who get accepted also speak French if you ever watched French Foreign Legion videos on youtube this is before they are taught French.

    Personally I would not tell them that you got a RE4.

    The official site:

  4. Why would the French Foreign Legion care if you have an RE-4 code on your DD214?

    Fly to France and join up!

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