
Will an american phone work in london

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my best friend is going to UK London<we are from USA>..she has to use her phone to call me...will it work or just say "Emergency Calls Only"....




  1. It depends entirely on what type of phone it is and what tariff it is on,  by having the right phone and being on the right tariff my UK mobile (cell) phone has worked in just about every country in the world that I have visited - including out of the way sort of places like Cambodia and Vietnam. It also had no problem with making and receiving calls when I was in Florida in the USA back in May this year.

    You do not have to be in reach of an American transmitter as suggested above - all mobile (cell) phone providers have reciprocal arrangements with other providers around the world - so that although I am with O2 in the UK when I travel my phone displays allsorts of phone company names when I switch it on while abroad.

    The only people who can provide a clear and correct answer to this question is your best friends service provider - phone them with the make/type of the phone and they will tell you whether the tariff they are on will allow them to make calls from England or whether they need to change to a different tariff which allows international calls.


  2. It&#039;s not going to work because she&#039;ll be out of the area where she receives cell phone service. She&#039;ll need to call her cell phone company to get an international phone or have her phone equiped with international capabilities.  

  3. it depends on what kind of pohne it is - ask your phone company - some phones will only pick up US cell towers - the phone needs to run on a different bandwidth to pick up european cell towers

  4. Depends what phone company. most do

  5. I studied abroad in London last year. A sim card from the UK wouldn&#039;t go in my U.S. cell phone (they are different shapes)

    You have 3 options:

    1) Use your US cell and pay the abroad plan fees. You can text in the US or UK but fees for UK would apply for the international factor. Plenty of people in my study group used their US phones- but they had to adjust to an international friendly plan- the cost was still pretty high

    2) Get a cheap pay as you go UK cell phone- Carphone Warehouse is the best place for that. Super affordable while in the UK- you can call/text US- it is extra, but its all on the pay as you go- just use the country code first

    3)If your US cell phone has a data plan- (for internet etc.) pay your provider the international plan for data while you are gone, and still get a pay as you go UK cell for calls. This way you have your internet but save money on calls

    2 or 3 are the best options depending on your phone

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