
Will an amplified antenna give me more channels in a rural area?

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We have a cabin up in a rural area deep into the woods. Right now on our analog TV, we get 1 station. I think this is a VHF station. We got the digital converter, and now all of the sudden we get no stations. I am wondering if an amplified antenna will fix the problem or if were are going to have to place an antenna on the rooftop.




  1. it might... but I doubt it. You have to have a signal to start with before you try to amplify it.

    You might need to go satellite to get TV.

  2. If you don't have an external antenna, try one.  It sounds like you need a good sized one.  Don't get a small, amplified one.  A digital signal is all or nothing.  You get a good clean signal or you don't see it at all.  The analog signals will appear as a snowy or noisy signal but you know they're there.    

    If the big external antenna doesn't do the trick you could try an amplifier.  Don't get a cheap one as frequently they make the situation worse  because they distort the signal.  

    If that doesn't work, do as the other answer suggests and get a satellite dish.

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