
Will an electric car be more economical to run service?

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Will an electric car be more economical to run service?




  1. Electric cars will be quite economical just as soon as the upfront purchase price becomes more competitive with standard models.

  2. Electric cars are simpler to make than infernal combustion (ice), far fewer moving parts, eg the Tesla, only has 7 moving parts in the drive chain. Hence easier and cheaper to mass produce.

    Tesla also provide an option of home solar charging system for little more than some people pay for leather seats, so free energy for life ewith security & very low maintenance.

    Modern batteries could already have a life as long as the vehicle, without all the funding being put into fuel cells

    Electric cars use much less energy per mile than ice because of regenerrative braking, no energy use when stationary, and no heat produces (70% of petrol or diesel goes in heat, due to the laws of thermodynamics)

    Big generators, even if using fossil fuel are more efficient (Cheaper) because they can use unrefined fuel, constantly maintained and monitored to run at optimum temperature and load. and delivered directly to your home or work for refueling.

  3. Yes, electric cars cost about 2 cents per mile to recharge while the average gasoline car costs about 10 cents per mile to refuel.  Electric vehicles also have fewer moving parts and so require less maintenance.  There's less to go wrong.

  4. i cant see how it will be more economical to run or service, the batteries used cost a fortune to replace, and with more electric cars that would possibly be put on the road, that would mean more coal to be burned for electric plants so more pollution.  i say bring on the electric creations, i want this 'global warming,' make my summers longer.

  5. yes,,yes

  6. Yes and yes.  You don't have to deal with an exhaust system, catalytic converter, etc with electric cars.  You don't need oil changes, mufflers, etc. The chevy volt will go 40 miles on all electric power and requires about 70 cents of electricity  to fully charge.  Try going 40 miles on 70 cents with gasoline!  It's not happening!

  7. The biggest costs will be replacing batteries they don't last forever, and the electric motors.   Here is a link that can give you some example prices

  8. Yes it will also work out cheaper to run as well.

  9. The electric car will be the best when it is solar powered or charged with solar power.

    The tradional electric car requires charging and when you generate electricity to charge the vehicle, there are  emissions. Some of those emissions are toxic and even mercury emissions with burning coal to generate electricity. The more electricity generated for vehicles, more emissions and electrical load.

    Those toxins end up in our water where we eat and drink them. Waste water treatment (sewer systems) aren't designed to catch trace chemicals.

    The Environmental Working Group did a study on umbical cord blood to check for toxins because the umbilical cord was thought to shield the fetus. The found mercury, banned pesticides, mercury, vehicle emissions and the list goes on.

    The toxicity ratio in the test was 100% and these little fellas don't have an immune system yet. One doctor told me a fetus would be in a 911 crisis from conception with those chemicals inside them. Cancers and many health challenges will result.

    Go to and click on the picture of the fetus to link to that study.

    Keep up the important discussion because we all know that if we left the car running in a closed garage with us in it we would die. Look at the traffic of the world and think about the biggest garage, our atmosphere.

  10. Electric cars need the same amount of energy to move them around as petrol cars. Roughly

    But - the energy could be from renewable sources.

    The engines would be much quieter

    No polution from the motor

    They do need big batteries though and they cant go very far or very fast.

    Personally I think a hybrid car would be the best with bio fuel instead of desiel and an electric motor for crawling traffic conditions when you cant go fast anyway. The battery for that could be charged as you drive along. Simple!

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