
Will an epidural make you dilate faster?

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Hello I have had two natural child births and am due with my third son and although I didn't feel the need to receive an epidural with my last two labors I have heard that an epidural can help you to dilate faster is this true? And what are you experiences with the epidural? I usually start dilating early at about 30 weeks and deliver at 36 weeks but during labor it takes me quite a long time to dilate so in your opinion do you think an epidural will help me with that? Thank you.




  1. An epidural will not make the baby come faster.  If you have already had two natural births donn't start taking drugs now.  I had an epidural and it messed up my back.  It has been two month and I still get sharp pains in my back.  I wish I didnt have it now.  You already know what to expect.  Keep  up the good work and good luck.

  2. No not necessarily. Mmost doctors won't call for an epidural until you're at least a 5. Most of the time getting the epidural slows down your labor! This happened both times with me. I was a 5 for 4 hours!!!! They ended up having to give me petocine to enduce and speed up my labor!

  3. no, you only get the epidural at the end when the baby is just ready to come out - that's why the chemicals used in the epidural don't get transferred to the baby during that process.  It's only pain relief for you - it is actually a great pain relief if you have a bad labour but no, it doesn't help dilation.

  4. No, usually it can slow it down (not by much though.)  Being induced with pitocin is what speeds it up big time, and gives you bigger contractions.  I had epidurals with both babies, and with both I also had the pitocin, so my deliveries went pretty quick.  With the first, my epidural sort of wore off half-way through, but with the second it worked perfectly and could still feel my legs, and could still feel when it was time to push.  I wouldn't get an epidural to try to dilate faster because for most women it can slow it down some, but for having an easy pain-free delivery, it's wonderful.  

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