
Will an event like September 11th happen again?

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I only ask this because I had the weirdest dream about planes falling out of the sky over London. And I never dream about things like this.




  1. anything is possible but i hope not

  2. I had a similar dream the night before September the 11th, It has always stayed in my mind since and i don't normally have dreams that come was really quite eerie.

    I hope that it never happens again but never say never.

    If something was to happen i reckon the terrorists would attempt something in which we wouldn't expect (like June 7th / September 11th etc). I believe the idea of chemicals may be the next 'thing' in places where lots of people enclosed with few exits ie Shopping malls or Stadiums.

    I do hope that being on Red alert and the quick thinking actions of the general public and emergency services would help win the fight in this awful conflict.

  3. I think so.  Not with an aircraft for a while.  Maybe a train or something.  Terrorism is not like conventional warfare.  Terrorism is not a group of people it is an idea.  It is impossible to irradicate an idea.

  4. Yes,America is desperately looking for an excuse to attack Iran and seize their oilfields,They will carry out a false flag operation,possibly in Israel in order to justify an invasion.They have been carrying out false flag operations on a worldwide scale to stir up an atmosphere of fear and hatred for at least 50 years.

  5. always have, always will - till Jesus comes back.

  6. I always have weird dreams.

    Unfortunately, yes, something like that will more than likely happen again. Hope it's a long time from now.

  7. I hope not!

  8. hopefully it won't. God won't let it.

  9. Well, yeah. People probably asked the same thing after Pearl Harbor.

    It might not be totally like 9/11 with terrorists, planes, and skyscrapers, but something as catastrophic can and most likely will happen.

  10. No, never because the American government or any other wouldn't get away with it again and wouldn't be able to cover it up or fob it off! Lol.

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