
Will angel 07 negate magna drago's effect after its been used?

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i like the tune monster magna drago and it helps me out quite a bit, and my friend has an angel o7 making me wonder if angel o7 negates magna drago's atk boosts before angel o7 was out and bring it back down to 1400 atk? thanks.




  1. Angel 07 says that the effect of effect monsters cannot be activated. This means that once it hits the field you cannot ACTIVATE a monster ability. So if magna drago (somehow) hits your opponent direct you cannot activate it's ability to boost itself. However Angel 07 will not take away the points he has already gained previous to Angels summon, because those abilities already were resolved. Here's an example. If Angel 07 is on the field and you summon Mobius its ability cannot be activated. but if you summon Mobius the frost monarch and destroy two spell/trap cards THEN your opponent summons Angel 07 they wouldn't negate mobius's effect and get their spell/trap cards back, because the effect already resolved. hopefully that cleared your confusion and helped. good luck!

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