
Will another war happen between Vietnam and China?

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There is a conflict between China and Vietnam in South China Sea because of drilling oil over there.




  1. Probably...

    The last time China tried that after the

    Vietnam War...

    They got theirs as* kicked big time by the


    Now you know why there was a Vietnam War...

    The Oil in the Spratly Islands...

    Had nothing to do with Communism...

  2. I don't think China is likely to do the whole Russian thing.

    They will push as much as they can, show off their military strength and negotiate hard bargains.

    There are several flash points in Asia associated with oil, chances are a deal can be done, with private companies extracting oil and pay taxes to several countries at once.

    China's wealth is based on exports. A little oil would not be enough to balance the lost wealth from lost business.  

  3. I dont think so cos its about to be settled amicable between both countries

  4. no.

  5. The very first written mention in history of the Annamese Province (Vietnam) is in Chinese census roles, ca. 200 B.C.E. China sent tax collectors into what is now Vietnam to collect tribute. The tax collector's heads were returned to the Chinese emperor in a basket. There has always been conflict between the two and for the foreseeable future they will probably continue their conflict.

    What they do has no influence on any American except those of Vietnamese descent. Their major American influence at this time is a vacation spot for tourism. Without war, the place is beautiful, but without generalizing too much, the Vietnamese are a proud, warlike race.

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