
Will anti-Americanism go down with the electtion of a new president?

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What does the rest of the world think of Obama and Clinton?




  1. No, the president will change but the American world domination and conquest program will not.

    Clinton; Hillary for VP or Bill as ex-president?

    Obama another lying politician same as McCain

  2. I think that the anti-Americanism will not disapper after the election.  I think it will disappear after the U.S. stops invading other countries.  The U.S. talks about being fair and tolerant, but this isn't being shown.   It is kind of like when a parent says do what I say, not as I do.  As a non-American, this is how I feel the rest of the countries are being treated from the GOVERNMENT of the U.S.  The people are fine (besides the fact that the many people don't know anything about any other Country in the world ... lol and that is a school thing - again not your fault!).  As an American, you should be proud of who you are ... some  people in this world are arrogant, and place blame on the wrong people.  I am sure that you are a very nice person, and you don't deserve to be hated.  Just remember to treat foreigners with the respect that you want for yourself.  

    Hope this helps.  Good Luck!

  3. Your only hope is John McCain. Obama will make sodomy compulsory, and have you all praising Allah 6 times a day.

  4. Clinton was liked because he showed reciprocal respect to other nations. Obama is untested.

    Bush's administration is responsible for much of that ill feeling.

    I'll give you an example from my country.  

    The US has been proven to have carried out rendition (when Americans want to torture people but not do it within their boarders) flights which have refueled in Shannon Ireland, violating our neutrality laws.

    After this episode the Irish government has taken much flack for taking the word of the US that flights are not carrying torture victims.  There are now calls for all US military to be stopped refueling at Shannon or, at the very least allow their flights to be inspected.

  5. yes in any case, but especially if Obama wins.  Europeans LOVE Obama, and i believe so do many other parts of the world.

  6. dont worry about what other people try to convince you off.since our current president has been in office,some of our oldest allies have voted in like minded peoplel as their leaders.also presdient bush was loved in africa,85% approval rating,so i suggest that you not buy into what liberals are feeding you,their all lies,the world does not hate us!!!!

  7. I admire your Question and It is very Mature. Since You are only 15, I can tell you many dictators around the world Have hated America Since it's inception.  America is supposed to be a Sanctuary for those who are victims of Religious and Political persecution.  It's that simple.  America Dared to defy England and it's excessive Taxes without being Fairly and equitably represented.  Sound familiar?  That lead to the Boston Tea Party. In America we have Free Trade Not Fair Trade that is causing econominc Hardship.  Fair Trade Would Allow America to remain free and industrious.

    America Is floundering from it's Original principals and are Still bigoted, Sexist and racist.  Too many are still Disenfranchised for one excuse or another.  It is about Divide and Conquer using race or gender as the weapon of choice for Control of others, usually for the Economic greed of a few.

    There is one other thing that King said: " cannot legislate love..." At the Present rate, America will decline if it does Not get back to principals and ethics, Just Like the Old Roman Empire.

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