
Will anybody else be putting a case across on the bbc website for rob burrows to be sports personality?

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He was M.O.M. in the grand final and player of the series in the tests against the kiwis.

also G.B.R.L. for team award 1 of the few british international teams to be successful.




  1. Absolutely the great Yorkshire man and former fev man is one of the best in the world burrow for the award over anyone!!!!

  2. Quite frankly it's not worth the effort mate, we all know this is a contrived and outmoded self congratulory program. As mentioned Hamilton will win even though he no longer resides in ST.Evenage (chav central)

    Look at last year how the heck did Zara Philips win, hardly sporting prowess, didn't win that much and to be honest has she got ANY personality

    As nice a bloke as Rob is and a bloody decent player he wont even get a mention though Leeds, & the GB team will get a mention but wont win

  3. He's a great player and playsfor the best team,come on rhinos,but he doesn't stand a chance.RL is hardly a major sport in the UK and having only 1 team from the south in the top league means that as far as people who decide these things are concerned it doesn't exist.It's obvious that Lewis Hamilton will win it this year.When Phil Taylor a 13 time world darts champion doesn't even get into the top 3 then it doesn't bode well for little Rob

  4. Who?????????

    But thanks for the 2 points though.

  5. To late, they have announced the 10 to vote for!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The nominees for this year are:

    Anna Hemmings (Marathon canoeist)

    Christine Ohuruogu (Athlete - 400m)

    Mark Ramprakash (Cricketer - Surrey & England)

    Simon Shaw (Rugby player - Wasps & England)

    So Rob Burrows misses out this time around.

  7. Burrows is a great player - there's no doubt about that BUT he is as famous as Paddy Bradley who is also a major star in a minority sport. Anyone ever hear of him? Probably not.

    He plays Gaelic Football for Derry and was named in the GAA All Stars line up this season. A great player he is N Irish so therefore British and eligible for inclusion in the Sports Personailty. He plays regularly in front of bigger crowds than Burrows too...reckon Paddy will get any votes? I don't think he get any.

  8. I love Rob Burrows!

  9. I don't really watch much RL.

    but yeah, he should be in there for what he's done this year.

    The wins against NZ were brilliant.

    The list is always total bolox.

    It's just a corporate pi$$ up for tw@s at the bbc.

    Why are there always random people from sports no one cares about.

  10. do rugby league players

    ever win sports personality

    of the year ?

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