
Will anybody ever understand me, and never hurt me?

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Im just wondering, have you ever in your lifetime so far, found anybody in this world that understood EVERYTHING about you and NEVER has hurt you before??

I just don't want to get into another friendship if it really is not worth it, I'm not a big fan of "flings" or "fake friendships"

I want the real thing, the kind where you are friends with them all your that even possible???

At this rate of my life I have really been considering this one question, "is it worth it??"

I'm about to go to highschool and I have been crushed by many "friends" all my life, just got done with one that I had been best-friends with since I was 7....she didn't care about me, she even admitted she was avoiding me because I wasn't wearing the latest fashion -___-

I'm generally sick of life...

What to do?? I have "friends" [the ones where you act all buddy-buddy when they are the only ones around]




  1. ive been going through that all throughout highschool and ive discovered that its not always going to be bad you probably don't need them to hold you back and make you feel bad they need to mature b/c what your friend did was immature..but yes i think there will be a day when you can find someone who can understand you and not hurt you...but be careful not to hurt themm =)

  2. Realistically, you will not be completely understood by anyone (including your future spouse) and every single person can and will hurt you. Usually not on purpose, but you'll be hurt. This applies to all of us, there are no exceptions.

    Solution: Don't expect or wait for someone to understand you. Just understand yourself. That's much better and more useful. As to being hurt, you can avoid a lot of that by understanding human nature, why people do destructive things, what makes them operate in certain ways. If you know this stuff, you will be far more agile in dealing with situations that come up. Right now, you have no idea what's going on and take it all personally. It's not personal.

  3. Once you get older, and find some mature people..  you can find some great friends.  

  4. "I'm generally sick of life..."

    Oh, wow. If you're only 15 and already feeling this way, then you're in for one h**l of a rough ride.

    Take it from me - middle school friends mean NOTHING. Literally, absolutely, NOTHING. You're not a real person in middle school. You're more of a sponge, soaking up other personalities to make your own. Plus, kids in middle school are downright MEAN. They only care about advancing themselves on the social totem pole, 'lifelong friends' be damned.

    The only thing you can do is wait. Once you're adjusted to high school, you'll make friends with value. You and everyone else just need more time to mature and become more people and less sponge. I've made some of my best friends in high school, and even though we're juniors in college now, we still talk all the time, like nothing has changes, even though we all live in different states (or countries) now.

    Yes, it's worth it. You don't want to spend the rest of your life as a loner. I tried that. It sucks. Don't do it. You need social contacts, and yes, it can suck making new friends, but it sucks for everyone, not just you. It takes a lot of work to make a good friend, and you're NEVER going to find someone perfect who will never hurt you. The girl I'd consider my closest friend right now, well...we actually stopped hanging out for almost 2 years because we were so mad at eachother for stupid things. Then senior year came around and we realized what idiots we were. We've been super close ever since.

    It's not going to be easy. Making good friends never is, so don't expect it to be. Just keep  your mind open, steel yourself against arguments and hurt feelings, and tell yourself that it'll be worth it in the end. Because it will.

  5. Exactly how I feel. Honestly I'm only 12, but that makes me get your situation even more. I think I'm way mature for my age and no one else understands all my feelings. No one else gets what I've been through. I don't even think my mom has any friends from middle school or high school. I don't think it's worth is. I mean, from my point of view the whole point of life is to discover new things make a family and start the whole dreadful cycle all over again. I have never told anyone the whole truth about me. I think it's just too much for anyone my age to understand and help me through. The one best friend I had was nothing alike me. She didn't understand the deeper meaning of things [i.e. music and life in general] That really doesn't matter to me anymore because I moved away from her last year. I'm starting to feel these "friendships" are pointless. I'm starting to realize that if I'm not seeing a future with any of these people, then there really isn't any point of being with them in the first place. I think it's too late for you or even me to make friends that last forever seeing how everyone has already met the people they want to be with.I'm feeling heartless right now so I'll stop...

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