
Will anyone actually vote FOR McCain because they want him to be President with all their heart?

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Or will all the Republicans now become flip-floppers by doing what ElRushbo said 4 years ago.. "You cant vote AGAINST someone because that's simply a foolish act..." If that is true, are Republicans now Liberals in bad suits?




  1. The alternative is unthinkable. Nobody's perfect. He's a decent man who has a heart and soul; as I said, the alternative is unthinkable.

  2. Yes, I am voting for him because I want him to be president.

  3. the man put his life on the line for my country and was a pow,veterans get the job first no matter what...say you apply for the same job i am applying for. i am a vet, and your not. who will get the job first by law????,

    i will, its called veteran's preference.(veteran gets the job before a nonveteran)so if you have any problems to who should be our next pres.think of the law and then vote.o'ben-laden is not a vet.sorry he doesn't get my vote man turns his back to my flag...

  4. not alot it looks like

  5. I supported Senator McCain in 2000...he is my first choice now.

    I've supported him more than I have supported anyone in a Presidential race.

  6. I will.  the man obviously loves this country, and just because he doesn't cave to public opinion all the time I will still support him.

  7. Republicans wrote the book of Flip Flopping, they will turn on each other for no apparant reason. They chose NOT to show the world who they really are because they saddly learned that G W Bush in fact did NOT get a mandate from God. ((they really really believed it at the time))

  8. Many Republicans aren't happy he is our candidate, just as many Dems aren't happy B.O. is theirs. That's the way it goes.  You can't always get what you want.

  9. I am sure plenty of people will vote for McCain for that reason. The rest, like myself will vote for him because they do not want an inexperienced fraud in the white house. Yes, Obama is a complete fraud.

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