
Will anyone else really miss the Heineken Cup next season?

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I think it's such a shame that the tournament will either collapse or be a complete farce. I can see the point of view of the French clubs, in view of the over-crowded fixture list in World Cup year, but the English clubs are clearly just after money. It's really unfair on the Celtic clubs, though, who are going to be left with a half-empty fixture list and a huge hole in their bank balances. I wonder whether Heineken and Sky will still be waiting in 2008-2009.




  1. the top clubs need a lesson in rugby. it's not how much they take out of the game but who. the top clubs take all the money and the good players the Junior clubs have and then think they can hold the small clubs for ransom. tell the french and the top English clubs good-bye. then they will be panicking next season when the money drys up .we don't need this and the Celtic clubs can play the rest of the English clubs. who are under control of the R.F.U. so pro rugby is now like the football side . the few big clubs want more power and to bully the smaller ones.

  2. Not me, I'd rather wake up at 6am for Super14 and see some real Rugby get played.

    I also think it genuinely places too much strain on the top players as well.

    Ideally, international coaches should follow Graham Henry's example and use the extra opportunity to better condition their Test players (particularly in England)

  3. I think that it shouldn't take place on WC years. International players in the Premiership already play to many games, and some of the clubs are thinking about joining anyway.

    And how would dropping out of the HC make English clubs more money?

    They're doing it for the same reasons as the French. You just think their doing it for the money because hosting the WC.

    And the point made by Eiefon... that we don't have a love of rugby... then why are 3/4 of the clubs left in the HC English? What's wrong with just wanting 4 to 7 less games because of the World Cup.

    I doubt the fact that "the WRU are already filling the hole in the balance sheet" will make these already multi-million pound clubs not want to participate.

  4. I do believe that that the Celtic clubs will stick together and the Heineken Cup will still be played between them!

    The WRU are already filling the hole in the balance sheet to make up for this deficit by playing teams before hand, who will make "high gate attendances".

    The English are just being greedy as per usual!

    I think Huw (1st answer) makes a valid point...........the English tried to do their "own" thing a few years back, but soon came crawling back, cap in fecking hand!

  5. Yes I will, however I think it will be good for the clubs as it will mean less pressure on them.

  6. Your right there.  If they do come back to the table then they should get a lot less money than what they get now & all the English clubs put in the same group to teach them a lesson.

    I say lets bring the second tier of Countries into the Heineken cup such as Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Georgia & Romania.  It will also give these countries a lot of experience that their rugby players need to progress.

  7. it's a fantastic tournament and will be sorely missed!! its bs this talk of overcrowded fixture lists!! there professionals! theyre paid to play rugby, something they love, so the players dont have argumnts over fixture lists in my opinion however demanding. its all about money and greed by the people in control!! Give it back to the fans and the players!! The Fans are the ones who are the biggest losers!!! plus there's no stage now for clubs to compare each other on an international scale!! its a complete farce and a joke!!

  8. The European cup is a good competition and is very good to improve the average level of rugby. But is the blame only to be put onto the clubs? Clearly, the federations have their share of responsibilities. It clearly shows that there are some problems here and they need an answer. The supporters will be the first to regret the H-Cup

  9. yes i think its a big pity that we won't be playing any french clubs or now english clubs, anyhow its pretty unfair aswell. I feel sorry for the Munster club especically as they have just got a new ground well its in the making and now with no Hen Cup matches this year it will lose a pity big amount of money

  10. Shame this question attracted a lot of English bashing rather than addressing the point raised.

    The HC should be suspended for the next year during the world cup, our players already play too much rugby. The physicality of the modern game is punishing to the players bodies beyond belief. It is faster and harder than ever before with bigger, stronger athletes hitting each other with phenomenal force. We cannot play all the cup games etc and still expect to have full strength national sides.

    The teams that progress in the HC will by no coincidence also home the best international players for ALL the home nations including France. How many internationals will be playing in the next round when Wasps, Northampton, Llanelli and of course Leicester compete.

    I am not saying wrap them in cotton wool, it is a hard game for hard people but we need to ensure that we can put out our best teams in to the world cup. I say this as an England fan but am equally passionate that all of the European countries (especially home nations) can compete and push the southern hemisphere nations.

    I agree that the clubs need some form of compensation to work this through so they don't lose out in world cup years. We know that money must be available, the premiership for instance is one of the greediest entities around, what other than a pure lust for financial gain requires the top four clubs in the premiership to have play offs.

    THE BEST TEAM IS THE ONE WITH THE MOST POINTS AT THE END OF THE SEASON - it means that they have been the most consistent for the whole season.

    Can you imagine what would happen if this happened in football - suddenly Arsenal, Chelsea, Man Utd and Liverpool have to face a play off at the end of the season even if one of them was 10 points clear? It is a farce and fuelled only by the greed of the clubs and leadership it is not for the fans.

  11. That will be the english for you!!!! I just hate the toff mentality Better off without them!!!! Saesneg YN Cachy BAnt.

  12. The English are to blame...politics instead of love of rugby.

    Twll dîn pob Sais.

    (Welshwiz..nid yw 'saesneg yn cachu bant' yn Gymraeg cywir nag yn gwneud synnwyr)

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