
Will anyone explain this to me intelligently?

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"God" has been called the creator , but doesn't it stand to reason that mankind is actually the creator of "god"? Before christianity there were other religions that worshiped multiple gods. The greeks and romans for example. Any feedback is appreciated. Also i am curious to know what women think about worshiping a religion that deems them inferior to men, and believe the contents of a book to be truth that was written by men. I'm having a hard time understanding all of this in a world that is basically pro active for women's rights.




  1. From what I have seen, mankind may or may not have been the creator of "God", but mankind for sure has been the creator of religion, as you have already examined and concluded by your question. The debate then, that man created God, is always going to be up for discussion between those that choose to follow a belief system that says most definitely that God is real and always has been, and those that choose not to follow something someone has told them, but believe for themselves that His existence in not real. Neither one of these groups can find any concrete validity in their beliefs because they are only that...beliefs.

    In order for one to find for themselves if there is a Creator of all things or not, is to discover the answer by using something, a method or science if you will, that can be proved for and within themselves. Until someone finds  a way to do this, they can only be left to speculate, and often do many things that they both do not understand their real motive for doing nor a way to do anything differently until they do.

    As for the other part of your question regarding women, what you have stated here is all within a belief system, be it a religion or a source that can not be understood until one has either found proof of its validity or been able to rule it out, I can not comment on. I did once myself practice this idea of worshiping something I didn't even really understand and the belief in a given directive, my need to take a subservient role to men. Now I see that there was no value in either one, as I could not prove for myself an actual necessity to do them.

    What I found, this way to answer my own questions much like yours, was the only way I was able to stop all my guessing and test for myself the reality of a Creator and my connection or lack of one, to It. I hope this has helped you in some way get the help you were searching for. It is a great question and one that many others come to as well.

    Here is a link to a website that allowed me to find what I was looking for when I decided to answer it for myself. Check it out if you are interesed. Best wishes.

  2. I"ll try and answer your questions.

    Just because there were people who worshiped multiple gods doesn't mean that man made god, like your suggesting. God made man but man sinned and is stuck in sin, part of which is idolatry (worshiping false gods, statues, money, s*x, power, fame).

    Christianity has its roots in Judaism, Jesus is the messiah (savior) prophesied of in the Old Testament. Jesus was Jewish.

    The Bible does not say that women are inferior to men. Genesis records God creating people male and female. He gives different roles to each, however they are equal. So God appointed the man as the one to lead and be the head of the family by loving his wife and kids, and the wife is to help the man, however they are both equal, simply with different roles.

    check out

  3. According to Moses no, God personally introduced Himself. And declared what set Him apart from the "multiple gods" you mentioned. Look how many non Jews now follow their "One" God. He used them to bring us into the fold.

    My belief in God does not in any way make me feel inferior, men and women are not the same and have different purposes in life. The only women that feel inferior are the ones who have been made to feel inferior. My husband does not, he understands as the head of the household he is expected to love and reflect Christ's teachings.  

  4. WTF are you talking about ?

  5. This question is asked over and over on here in many different ways.

    The only True answer will be found at the time of death.

    It is more believable to some that Man created god.  Others like to think that there is an invisible man in the sky who created everything.  

    I guess it all boils down to your basic need to feel safe and secure.  That there is a father figure watching over you.  

    Those who don't buy into it, are the type of people who don't need that protection in their lives and are willing to believe their actions are their own and they take responsibility for them

  6. I have a great book to recommend: Neo-Tech by Mark Hamilton, or any literature about Neo-Tech by Mark Hamilton or Frank Wallace.  

    It is a very factual representation of all religions and social science.  Great reading if you would like a third person perspective on things (unbiased view without opinions)

  7. Lord have mercy!!!  Such answers.   PLEASE!!!  Let's leave the sexism at the door!!!  That is so tiring!!!!

    God is and was and will always be the "Creator".  Anyone can come up with another God or Gods, but does that make it true???  NO!!

    People have been searching for eons for the reason they are here and why, is that wrong???  NO.  The good thing is they are THINKING, wondering, Pondering, asking.  Think about it for a moment, the only stupid question is one that is never asked. the beleif in Jesus Christ as the One and Only God.  Look at the name, do you see Christ in it??  This is the person that follows Jesus Christ in his heart and therefore affects how he/she lives their life. the beleif in someone or something outside of Jesus Christ, they do not beleive that Jesus Christ is God.

    When God created humans he had to apply authority to one, in this case it was Adam, the first born human.  Does this make women less??  NO!!!   It makes Adam and all men responsible to God, they will be Judged according to that authority and how they used it.

    Let me explain it this way'

    I am a Man, and I follow Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  Therefore, I am a Christian (as religions go), but it would be better served to say, I Believe and follow Jesus Christ.

    As a Christ following man, I am married.  Jesus Christ comes first in my Life and then comes my Wife and then my Children and my Grandchildren and so on.  I don't tell my Wife what to do or when to do it, I'm not her boss  Is this making any sense here???

    As a follower of Jesus Christ and a man, I am the Head of my Family and when a decision is to be made I will go to Jesus Christ first and then my Wife.  Ultimately I am responsible to Jesus Christ as my God for the decision that is made, not my Wife, me.

    Actually, my Wife makes more money than I do, has a higher position than I do in work.  Likewise, I hold my Wife up above me to the Lord and place her in His hands, because I Love her with all my Heart, but God knows how to Love her more than I ever will.  Likewise with my Children and grandchildren.

    Where am I in this mix???  Bottom of the totem-pole.  Here's the best example;

    Jesus Christ.....God in human form.....washed the feet of his disciples and then tols them to do likewise.

    The best CEO's know what it's like to be the Mail clerk, because he's been there, done that.

    "In Heaven the last will be the first"  "The first will be the last"  "The greatest shall be the least"  does this make sense to you now???

    The Bible teaches me that I must Love, Honor and Cherish my Wife, above myself.  I do this.....and my Wife loves me for it.  I chose her above every other woman in all of time, to give my heart to, having said that, why in the world would I ever want to hurt her, in any way or fashion???  And to top it all off, this is a Covenant that I have made with Her, before the eyes of God and all mankind, for the rest of my Life.  That's a BIG responsibility!!!

    This does include my doing the wash, the cleaning, grocery shopping, caring for my Children and Grandchildren, feeding them, changing them and everything else.  I am to dive into this work, head first, at the deep end, and do whatever needs to be done.  I must do this the best that I know how to do, not once or once in a while, but everytime, all the time.  I have learned how to jump higher, move faster, be more knowledgeable than anyone else, not because she will nag me to do this, but because this is how I show them and more than anything HER (My Wife) that I truly LOVE THEM!!!  All of this and I must work too, just like her.

    If more men knew this and did these things, their Wives would be happier and have more time and energy for their Husbands!!!  I'm all in for that..........right????

  8. which book are u talking about which says women are inferior? if its koran then i cant help u, but if its bible then i need to say u have to read atleast 10 times whole bible to understand were in bible it talks less about women. in god's eyes all are his loving children.

    ok now the question man created god - ya man did create several god as he liked him/her to be like, but when u read bible in the old testatment it says, god gets angry with isrealites when they worship a cow instead of him and wanted to destory the humanity itself.

    therefore god doesnot like man to create his own religion.

  9. In your question regarding women, when Christianity was developed, it was developed for MEN only because that was the way in their day. Sure, the bible will say that men and women are equal in the eyes of God, but women are oppressed in the bible.

    In the Ten Commandments, It says, "Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's wife." It doesn't say 'Thou shalt not covet your neighbors wife/husband.' Because the Ten Commandments were not intended for women.

    Plus, around the time that most of the bible was written, women were not allowed to read or write, so therefore, the only audience that the writers of the bible were reaching out to were MEN.

  10. hahaha, it's all men's creation thriving to rule other man, just the nature of man, when are people gonna grow out of their basic thought system sheesh..

  11. Hello Noah y,

    I'm a woman of God. God is the Creator of all things and He's the Creator of humans. What if you were a slave, would you say that you're master loved you? You wouldn't because your master didn't give you the freedom of your own choice. God loves us so much that He gives us the freedom of choice for us to choice Him or another god. Before Christianity, God's people were under the Mosiac Law (Jewish). And there were alot of people who served other false gods like Baal, but God is the Most High. The Mosiac Law did have men inferior to women but all that changed when Jesus Christ came. Jesus had women in His ministry and He used the "dirtiest" woman (Mary Madgalene) to restore and she served Him. Now there's many females leaders in His church and He uses men and women in His church. God cares for every child of His even the women.  

  12. yes, ur right. no one knows what the truth here is. whether god has really created this universe or not. and, remember, god doesnt mean christianity. see, the early man did not find answers to all these natural happenings and stuff, and believed that a single, powerful person has been doing all these, has created all this. and thinking this way he created god. u might have heard that, if people believe anything, even if it is not true, it seems to be true. i'll give u an example.if ppl buy any beauty product, \believe that the result will be good, they get it, even though the product actually doesnt do anything. its because of ppl's belief. the same way, coz we believe in god, it seems that there is a person, god, even though no one knows its true or false. its jus a belief. because, we cant say people who dont believe in god r wrong, can we??

    and its man who looks upon woman as inferior. whoever wrote this have found out the diference between man and woman and believed that he was perfect and anyone different are kinda imperfect. then it is the women's fault that they believed what men said without opposing. so its like an evolution that women have become inferior to men. coz at the beginning, women were treated equal to men.

    wanna know sumthin'? women and men can never be equal. they r jus complementary. n i believe that. by trying to be equal, women r increasing their burdens and responsibilities. and, in the eyes of god, they r treated equal. but it is the man who created a difference, utter difference between the genders.

  13. No, mankind is not actually the creator of God. God was here before the earth or man was created...and He has never had a beginning and He will never have an end...I know confusing, right? but that's where God's "thoughts are higher than our thoughts..." (Isaiah 55:8). Actually, in the beginning people only worshiped the one and true God but then man fell into sin and then people went away from God and wanted to worship there own gods. I ,as a woman and as a Christian, believe that what the Bibles says we should follow though it seems really hard to do sometimes but that's when God gives us grace to do it. The Bible does not "deem us inferior" to men...they just put men to be the leaders. And the Bible was not written by men. The Bible was inspired by God and God gave men the words to write down. It's called the verbal plenary inspiration of God's Word, in other words God breathed the words that are in the Bible and He used men to write them down. Each and every Word of the Bible is God's own words.

  14. In the beginning Man created gods for inspirational and emotional support and like Man, religion has evolved to where it is today. Those who fight over religion are like children fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.

  15.      The problem with man being the creator of God is that you have a hard time showing how mankind created the world.  The truth is, no-one knows.  Every religion has its own theories and beliefs.  Personally, I believe we'll find all this out when we die.  It's the reciprocating statement, 'The secret of life is death.'  I do feel that one thing's for certain.  The followers of all the religions in the world are in for a devil of a shock when they do die, because the Truth is going to be far different than we ever imagined.

    Good luck

    Mike B  

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