
Will anyone volunteer to help me bite the queen's bottom, namely, distract the guards?

by  |  earlier

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tried to break through tuesday morning but they blocked me and i was lucky to escape. so you see to fulfil my dream and bite the queen's bottom (and live) will require some help. how about you? we can do this thing!




  1. Little boy, when you go back to school ask your teacher

  2. Does the queen really do anything to bother you?

  3. No, but you can bite mine and call it a day.

  4. Don't worry. Those nice men in the white coats will be with you soon.

  5. I think you should know that, for security reasons, for the past 7 years the queen has worn titanium lined knickers. If I were to agree to help you in your quest, not only would I require £50,000 in advance but also a high grade thermal lance.

  6. no

  7. You silly Mutt!

    If you bite anyone people will say it proves your whole breed is dangerous. Do you really want all your cousins to join the dangerous dogs list here? Do you want them to spend the rest of their days MUZZLED? (Nasty hard plastic cages those things!)You'll be caught and they'll take you to those men in white coats, you know the ones I mean! The ones who have those needles they stick in the back of our necks. Some dog's go to sleep and never wake up!

    My mistress would never forgive me if I helped you. She wants me to behave myself as she doesn't like people thinking MY breed is dangerous either!

  8. No but I'll lend you my teeth!

  9. Sounds like a shaggy dog story, Mr Wufftanian. If you bite HM's bottom, Prince Charlie will take a look and say "I say, what a monsterous carbuncle you have on your er, .. if you care to look, ma`am."

    And HM QE2 will say: "Gosh, I say that is rather a large tear in my er.... if you care to look."

    "We'll have to get you home to change then, and put on a pair of royal breaches."

    "But what do we tell the laundry maid?"

    "Oh, just say it's ruff justice!"

  10. Not me personally but my Spike(Springer Spaniel) will help you with pleasure.But only if he can chew on 1 of Charleys ears !!!!!!!!!LoL

  11. go for your dreams! Don't know how your going to reach when she on her horse or in a carriage though.

  12. No.

    Why do you do it?

  13. I know she has ER ebroidered on her knickers but i dont really thing that means e' r' come n get it plus im not into women so it would grouse me come to think of it same goes if u said philip lol xx

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