
Will anyone who has seen "red balls of light" please share your experience?

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There have been several people on here who have seen these red balls of light flying around their house or outside. I can't find the links to their experiences. If this has happened to you..please tell your experience. Thanks.




  1. it's ufo stuff.   the rest of the transport is stealth and transparent until opportune times.  they can't always hide those little balls though.

  2. I have had many sightings of these and have come to realise that thay are spirit orbs...some say that the red ones are perhaps poltergiests but I have never been able to confirm this.

    We have a paranormal investigation team and have caught many on camera and video when calling out for ghosts to make themselves known to us.

    Try looking on google for red orbs and see what turns up.

    Good luck

  3. maybe aliens have landed and they sent out probes to scout the earth? lol na i have no idea!

  4. Red balls of light.Well Danee you said something that has  haunted me for years.The mysterious red ball about the size of a baseball and floats around watching and following you.I have had so many dreams of this red ball.Seen it a couple of times.Well its a alien probe that watches its abductees.If someone has seen a red ball like this.They are a alien abductee.

  5. I have seen every hue of the rainbow for orbs.  Infact there are two blue ones that constantly roll around our house, a green one that comes and goes, along with a red, pink, yellow......Sometimes in certain trees you can see them lighting them up like a christmas tree.  My grandmother who is full blooded Native American (Cherokee/Creek), told me that they are the nature spirits.  You will find them in a well tended area, such as a garden that is really loved and thriving, or a grove of trees that is in particular good health.

    I grew up seeing them, and have never had any problems concerned with them.  The most trouble I have had in fact is when there is somebody within the house that is questionable in thier intentions.  We have had several leave only after a few minutes, because they become that apparent to others.  About a year and a half before hurricane Katrina came thru central Georgia, my family and I (family, includes at least ten other poeple) noticed that a lot of them just suddenly declined.  The week before, there was none.  My grandmother says that since al the tornados have gone thru in the past two years even more have disappeared.  I actually use them as my weather readers, and adjust our activities to how they act, such as fishing, camping, and etc.

  6. Are you talking about orbs??

    They are energy, maybe send by humans, or maybe send by ghosts... most of them can only be seen by fotos, because the human eye can't perceive this kind of energy...

    Or maybe you're talking about "foo fighters"...

    Some people say that those objects are alien technology, and that's possible, but I think that they are human artefacts... some goberments hide a lot of things...

    Mr Google

  7. there is such things as fireballs or lightning balls, mayb even if u want to get like ghost hunter they could b orbs.

  8. It happened to me once.

    It was a laser pointer.

  9. The elementals/fairies -the fire breeds are orbs of orange or red/ and yellow

  10. There is a cemetery not very far away from me that does have lights that randomly pop up in it.  It is in the middle of nowhere, no houses or streetlamps available.  Some do appear to be red in color.  But there have also been white and yellow ones as well.  I have only managed to get a photo of one (although I have seen several).  I had the photo looked at and it was never determined exactly what it is...the only thing I ever got out of the examiner was that it was some sort of energy.  Beats me what it is, but it is interesting to watch them.

  11. I have never seen these, but I would love to see the pictures that Razz has taken.

  12. It never happened to me, but I checked it out on the net. There are actually quite a few references reporting "red balls of light", but they don't all completely agree. It could be anything from Ball Lightning to UFOs. Here's some links that will share some experiences...

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