
Will anything happen if i poke someones tire with a safety pin or needle? will i give this person a flat??

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Will anything happen if i poke someones tire with a safety pin or needle? will i give this person a flat??




  1. If something a little bigger like an ice pick, or even a s***w driver was accidently push into a tire, a puncture in the sidewall would be bad because the sidewall can't be repaired, and would require a new tire.. I don't know you do I?

  2. why would you do that???


    anyway the answer is yes.

  3. It will go flat in about 2 to 3 weeks and if that person has an accident because of what you did then I guess you will be asking questions from jail....

  4. if you can get the pin thru the sidewall, then yes over time the tire will go flat

  5. well it wont be flat cuz the pin is short unless u take a long pin or needle.

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