
Will attacking Iran get McCain elected? That is Bush's plan.?

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Of course he was getting upset about the price of gas dropping dangerously close to 3.00.

And please if you are idiot enough to believe that Iran is trying to make a Nuclear weapon don't tell me. You are emberassing yourself. Listen to exactly what your President is saying. He never says they are trying. Just like he never said that Saddam Hussein was working with Al Queda. He does not lie. He just makes you think he said something he did not.




  1. He just makes you think he said something he did not.  This is the spin doctored jargon "mis-speaks" that AMERICANS are falling for.


  2. If you really believe Iran is a sweet little country that means no harm to anyone else ( even though they've publicly called for our destruction).

    And the united States is run by lying warmongers then you should really move to Iran.  

  3. I think the plan is, Israel will attack Iran  

  4. There is no one left to fight, we have extended the military to dangerous lows. The soldiers are unprotected and coming back shellshocked. So unless there is a draft, think hard about that, I don't see a possibility.

    And if we keep the US dollar high, it will not be as attractive for foreigners with high value currency to invest in oil futures. Of course that's what Bush wants, low, ridiculously low dollar value.

  5. Your ridiculous question is not worth answering....

    Thanks for the 2 points!

    McCain/Palin 08

  6. Wait you dont think Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons even though they have a nuclear weapons facility and have been developing misssile systems?  

  7. Iran is a threat your presidental hopeful Obama even said that!! Even thoe it was a flip flop from his prior statement!

  8. Why do you ask if you don't want to hear any possible truth? I quesse you only want to hear what you want to hear.

  9. It's just amazing to watch all that is going on in the world while everyone is distracted by the conventions and troopergate/babygate.  

    How in the world does Bush think that we have the military personnel to handle all that he is sticking his nose into?  Bigger question is: Do Bush/Cheney even care about America?  

    Did you also notice what is going on in Paraguay, where Bush has a "military base" on his 100K acres of land?  Why did Halliburton move to Dubai?  Nobody seems to care, we are too distracted.

    Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fast forward 20 years and see just what it is that Bush/Cheney REALLY had in their plans?

    But the American people just are too stupid to ask questions and those who question are all just wackos.  Frankly, from your past questions and answers I'm not really sure what it is that you are asking here, since you seem to be not in line with my thinking quite often and this is a rather fractured question.  Nevertheless, these are my thoughts on what is going on. I'm old enough to know that we cannot trust anything our government says, Republican or Democrat.

    WAKE UP AMERICA!  These weasels have big plans and none of them have anything to do with YOU and all your little problems.

  10. I hate Mcain?Palin-OBama 08!

  11. Spreading half truths & lies does not make it so.


  12. Does it really matter? Attacking Iran will certainly be the begining of the end and we can all kiss our a$$es goodbye.

    McCin almost deserves to win this election in so far as, let him clean up the mess Bush has made. he won't last too long.

  13. Very Intelligent Question that I am sure will go right over the top of Republican McCain supporters  heads .

    I have been wondering and researching this same subject . You are so right Bush never lied directly . Yet many people have died as a result .Our economy is about to collapse because of these so called Republican Bush truths .

  14. What a totally lame question.  Let alone the fact that you cannot spell or structure a sentence properly.  How can you spell so badly when there is this wonderful thing called "spell checker"?  Oh, wait let me guess, that is President Bush's fault.  You must be so proud of your self.  

  15. Hey, look the Dutch like us and are will to start a war against Iran with us.

    Who says the world doesn't like Bush?

  16. Yeah, but Bush is a monkey. It'll fall through like everything else.

    Oh, yay! $3, that's not so bad! Maybe voting for Mccain would be okay!

    You are totally right, you mirror my frustration and enthusiasm for politics.

    OBAMA 08!

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