
Will banks cash big checks?

by  |  earlier

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I received a business check for $4,000 to cash and take what I need so I can send the rest of the money through western union. Is the bank going to let me cash that much?




  1. yeah my mom and dad cashed a $20,000 check so you shouldnt have a problem with that.

  2. That's what banks are for.  If you don't have an account or anything, I could see why they wouldn't.  But they'd definitely let you deposit it.

  3. Sounds like a scam to me.  Deposit the check into your account.  Do not spend a penny until the check clears.

  4. 1st off - who did you receive this check from?  Make sure you know the person and are comfortable with the check, because once you cash it and spend it - you will be the banks recourse and this sounds a lot like scam/fraud rings that are circling really bad right now!!

    To the question though: Banks can/will place holds on items exceeding 100.00 if your account doesn't have compensating funds (unless you have a solid relationship with them) or if it is drawn off of a out of town bank; usually for up to 7 business days.  

    You can take it to the bank that it is drawn on and cash it there no problems as long as you have necessary ID, if this is an option I would go this route so you know the funds are good!!

    Good Luck and be careful!!

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