
Will be flying to Germany for training this June end.?

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Few questions to ask before I go?

What is the nearest airport in Germany to Walluf?

How to get to Walluf from this nearest airport? Train? Bus? Car?




  1. I never hear that place Walluf... Walldorf... this will be near to Frankfurt/M. Airport. You are coming for training, so there will be somebody and pick you up. There is also train, taxi.

  2. Walluf near Wiesbaden and Mainz?  If so then Frankfurt airport is the closest International airport.  

    There is probably a train that will get you there from the airport.  There is a train station at the airport.

    If you want to drive the autobahn (go on-line to read up on some rules of Germany first) go rent a car.  It is fun :)

  3. If you are going for Military training someone will come pick you up..most likely from Frankfurt Airport..You can always use the german trains they are awesome and not to expensive.. i visited in November..I was born and raised in germany... and it was my first time since 1989 to go back..You will love it there...

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