
Will be induced Tues. night unless my baby makes his arrival, how long can I expect to stay in the hospital?

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after delievery... Obviously no one knows how long labor will take but if there are no complications how long can I expect to be there after delivery? I'll be admitted Tuesday at 7:30pm and given Cervidil until 4:30am when the pitocin will be started... Anyone have any advice or personal experiences with induction to share?




  1. It depends if you deliver vaginally or have a C-section. For my first pregnancy I was induced on a friday, my water broke that night, and I didn't deliver until Sunday (a c-section because I was progressing very slowly). My advice? Do not mix an induction with an early epidural. I'm going to try to avoid both next time I go into labor. I had to stay for 3 extra days, but I got sick after my son was born (gallstones). Every case is different and I believe it depends on your hospitals policy. I have Kaiser.

  2. Odd, they never gave me anything before they started the Pitocin. Did they tell you why? I'm rather curious. I had my baby at 730 PM 8/30/06, I left the hospital 9/1/06 @ noon. If you have an epidural, and I advise it with induction, stay VERY VERY VERY still. You do NOT want to have to do it over again while going through contractions. Good luck with your baby hon!

  3. everything is different for each individual.

    for my first and second, i was admitted saturday and went home monday. for my third, i was admitted tuesday, went home wednesday and went to my first born's 4th birthday party on friday.

  4. It doesn't matter if you are induced or not. You would probably would have a natural labour. In that case, you would stay in the hospital for two nights. You'd be at home on Thursday night. But if it's a C-section, it takes 4 nights to one week to stay at hospital after the delivery.

  5. Well I am 16 but I have a 1 year old.I was not in duced but I would expect to stay in the hospital for about 3 days at the most I was in there for 3 days I had an episiotomy and they cut me and that was a great recovery.also they have to make sure that you can urinate before and papers and everything so I would plan on staying in there for about 3 days.that night you probaly will not be with the baby  but the day after you will.I hope I helped you.

  6. I was admitted to the hospital with my last pregnancy.  They wanted to induce me as well with cervidil.  Each dose is only good for 12 hours.. looks like a tampon string.  Well it didn't work for me, I had potossim, and then had a emergency c-section.  I went to the hospital on a sunday morning, and didn't leave until thursday morning, but that is because when you have a c-section, they keep you in the hospital a little longer than a woman who had had a vaginal delivery.

  7. It really depends on your hospitals policy. My local hospital will discharge 6 hrs after delivery if you want to go and you and your baby are doing well. My eldest was born by induction and i only stayed 1 night as he was born at night. With my youngest i was out 6hrs later

  8. I had an induction 10 months ago. They gave me Cervidil, it didnt work. The labour started and stopped. I ended up going back home! It was disappointing. A week later I went back to hospital.

    They gave me Pitocin which took a long time to work because I was given it at a low dose, which the Dr slowly increased. I was admitted on Monday, low dose of Pitocin. They increased it on Tuesday. Nothing. Then on Wednesday they put it right up high haha. My labour started at 12pm and my little boy was born at 4:34pm. So 4 and a half hours of labour.

    I went home the next morning. I was admitted 7:30pm Monday night and discharged 9am Thursday morning with bub being born on the Wednesday afternoon (my choice to go home).

    I have no regrets about induction. It was an exciting process and such a relief to have the pregnancy over with. My best and shortest birth, no tearing, no stitches. I drove my car the next day which was pretty crazy, haha, but I felt so good.

    The reason that I was induced is that I had a painful separation of pelvic ligaments. I was 38 weeks, so they think the induction might have failed the first time because of bub not being ready.

    I didnt have an epidural with the birth but I did use the happy gas which was quite enough. Induced labour is intense, but usually quick once it starts.

    Good luck with your birth. Let us know how it turns out!

  9. how is ur cervix progressing now

    i was induced on monday but i started with a cealed cervix was kept 24 hours waiting for ne signs of progress so try not to get ur hopes up but i hope things go much smoother for u i think after the baby is born with no complications u stay 24 hours thats how it works at my hospital ne wayz

    GOOD LUCK !!!

  10. I was induced with pitocin at 6:00 a.m. Friday morning (had my son at 12:05 p.m. that day) and was home by Sunday Noon.  

  11. It really depends mosly on what kind of insurance you have.  It's sad but true.  If you have crappy insurance they'll send you home sooner rather than later.  

  12. you'll have the same stay as every one else.  with my first I was given the cervidil and had her with out needing patosin.  I went in at 10:00 on wednesday and had her at 1:00 on thursday.  with my second I was just given paotcin.  they gave it to me at 11:00 am and she was born at 1:00pm.  I loved being induced and will be induced with this one as well provided he makes it to 39 weeks.

  13. I had the same thing. I went in Sunday night, had the cervidil. Monday morning at 730AM i was given the pitocin, I wouldn't dilate more than 5cm so I got a c-section. I was in the hospital until Thursday afternoon. I should have stayed until Friday, but I left early. Otherwise they said I could've left by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

  14. It would be mostly two days. With my first son I had to be induce since my water broke. I came in Dec 29. Had him 5:03 in the morning of Dec 30. Then me and my son got to go home on New Year day morning. WIth my second. I had him Saturday and got to go home on Monday.


  16. I was admitted Thursday morning, and came home Saturday evening.

  17. It varies on a bunch of things. It will be 2 to 5 days but it just depends on your case.

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