
Will be my insurance pay increased after I got over speed ticket?

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Will be my insurance pay increased after I got over speed ticket?




  1. Usually the first minor moving violation you get, ever, is NOT surcharged.  Ask your agent to be sure.

  2. Normally, yes it will but not until they run your MVR report.  MVR's are ran generally every 6 months.

  3. if its your first speeding ticket than its very unlikely, but if you have a bunch of speeding tickets(3 or more) it probably will go up the next time you renew your insurance.

  4. Depends on the insurance company. Call your agent up and ask the agent a few 'what if' questions. Like, 'what if I got a speeding ticket? would my premiums go up?' Your agent should be able to answer.

    I received a ticket for blowing a red light one time and my insurance premium didn't budge.

  5. Depending on what state you live in and how fast you were going.  If it was  under 10mph over the speed limit than chances are you won't get an increase in your insurance premiums, but if its over....god bless the beating you will get from your parents.

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