
Will be student teaching in London soon.Have to teach a lesson about America,topic is open to whatever.Ideas?

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It will be a 2nd grade classroom and i will be visiting in the fall. Few good answers so far such as melting pot of cultures and the upcoming election. Any other ideas would be much appreciated! thanks!




  1. Humm... second grade. That's a tough one.

    You could begin with some of the more obvious differences between America and England... Americans drive on the wrong side of the road, refuse to cease using the English system of weights and measures, live on either a continent or an island, have funny accents but make fun of others for the same thing, etc.

    Obviously, there are more differences than this -  some are funny, some are not so funny, and some are simply the way things are - but my point is that, since your students are so young, it could be useful to start out with what they know (i.e., England), and then from there, compare it with what they may not know (i.e., America).

  2. Who are the people on American coins and bank notes

  3. i need help to learn inglish me add in

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