
Will beer spoil if its in a can??

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My freinds want to know if they can save thier beer for thier next party. Would the beer get spoiled in a can or a bottle?




  1. Beer will last about 4-6 months after the born on date on the underside of the can. If you let the beer heat up and cool down numerous times it will make the beer taste kinda potent.

  2. if unopend it will be fine

  3. As long as the party is held within a reasonable amount of time, YES.

    If kept in a cool, dark place, i.e., don't keep beer in direct sunlight or in a hot environment as this will "skunk" it, beer will keep for 6-12 months.  Micro brews from very small breweries tend to be a bit more temperamental & may only keep 4-6 months in a similar environment.

    Someone I know had a huge blow out 4th of July bash & was left with 4 cases of beer, which they intend to serve at a Labor Day party.  In order to keep the beer flavorful, they've been storing the beer in the basement.

  4. It is already spoiled.  Fermentation is a type of spoilage.

  5. No it won't. Don't store it in direct sunlight as stated.

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