
Will beginning dog obedience classes be helpful?

by Guest62260  |  earlier

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I signed up for it. The class is tomorrow.

My puppy already knows sit, down, shake, beg, WHERE"S THE BALL??? (hahaha, so cute!).

She doesn't know hwo to walk properly on leash or a reliable come here!

She also has a tendency to jump on people or snip at other dogs, but she does NOT do this to me, her alpha dog.

6 month old lab/pit mix




  1. Yep, it is a good thing you signed her up as a puppy, too. My uncle took his German Shepherd to obedience classes and he came back a wonderfully trained little pup. He knew all the leash tricks and everything and he wouldn't run ahead when we took him for a walk or do any naughty dog things!

  2. Taking obedience classes will be very beneficial for you and your dog.  It will also help socialize your dog.

  3. Yes, Yes, and Yes!

    A big part of the obedience class is the socialization aspect.  She will have to meet other puppies/dogs as well as people.  Also, although she knows her tricks within the safety and quiet of your own home -- can she focus enough to do those same tricks out in the wide open world??   People call that "proofing" and you want to proof the commands that you have taught.  

    How exciting to be starting class -- Good Luck!!

  4. yes it will still be very helpful...she will be able to be socialized with people and other dogs, she will learn the commands she still needs help on plus more..if she does that good she'll graduate at the top of her class.she will also learn manners like no jumping, mouthing and how to act with other dogs.Good Luck.

  5. Anything you do spending time with your puppy will help. She may or may not come out of the class with perfect obedience skills, but she will have gained some experiences like new people and other dogs that will help her learn to remain calm when out.A strong dog like yours will grow to be needs to be confident in all situations. Because most dogs become aggressive when they are fearful.  

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