
Will being a <span title="vegetarian/vegan/nonlactose">vegetarian/vegan/nonlacto...</span> help to clear my skin up?

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I have really annoying eczema on my face and neck, and i was told that not eating dairy products would calm it. since it's not very natural for us to drink another animal's milk (and way beyond our time for needing it) this made sense, but would cutting out the red meats and things like this help as well? any other tips for making a dramatic transition in diet or for natural and organic ways to cure and treat eczema are welcome!




  1. You can repay all the good things your skin does for you by feeding it foods rich in the nutrients it craves. All plant foods contain a substance called bioflavinoids, which give plants’ cells the solid structure they need. In the human body, bioflavinoids serve the same general purpose, nourishing the cells of your own blood vessels. When these blood vessels, called capillaries, weaken and break they leak blood, causing “spider veins.” These reddish splotches can appear anywhere on your body, particularly your cheeks, nose and legs. By eating foods rich in bioflavinoids, you’ll help to keep your blood vessels strong. Besides spider veins, weak blood vessels also lead to a variety of circulatory problems, including the tendency to bruise easily.

    When it comes to looking your best, healthy skin is of the vital. As an organ, one of skin’s most important functions is to eliminate waste products through your perspiration. As with urine, the moisture that passes out of your body when you sweat carries with it the end product of the nutrients you didn’t need for your bodily functions. Animal products contain very concentrated protein – when excess protein is filtered through the body, whatever your kidneys can’t handle makes its way out of your body through your sweat. Some of it clogs your pores, making your skin dry and flaky, and can lead to increased blemishes.

    By eating a meatless diet, you won’t be making your kidneys work so hard, you’ll have less impurities passing through your skin, and you’re helping the blood flow freely through your blood vessels. That glow of good health is the mark of a vegetarian!

  2. I used to have the same problem years ago. The doctor told me to go off meat, diary products, fat, citruses etc. So I practically ate only bananas and white rice and in a few days the eczema was gone and even when I got back to my usual diet (meat, spicy food etc.) it never came back. Our skin reflects what we eat. It doesn&#039;t mean that being vegan will help you, you just need to follow few rules and see what suits you the best. Good luck.

  3. Whenever drink too much soda I get pimples and they do go away until i return tyo drinking mostly water like I usually do.

  4. It would be really good for your skin if you were vegan and didn&#039;t eat junk food.  Also, try eating almonds everyday... I heard they were good for your skin.

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