
Will being on zoloft or cymbalta. Or having used it in the past affect going to police academy ???

by  |  earlier

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I am supposed to start testing this fall for the police academy and was wondering if anyone could tell me if taking zoloft or cymbalta now or taking it in the past would affect my getting into the police academy.




  1. why should it? Neither are known for abuse and are widely prescribed. I would be concerned if it was something like Clonazepam, Diazepam, or something like Hydro or Oxycodone, but couldn't see a problem with what you have.

    Neither are narcotic.

    Do they discriminate against people taking anti-depressants?

  2. I don't think it'll matter. If you're worried about them showing up in the drug test, they won't. I took them in the military and was never questioned about them.

  3. My husband is facing the same problem. Here in Ohio I think they only look back 5 years on dpression meds. So my hubby is fine there. However he is depressed and could currently use meds, but cannot take them since he will not be admitted into the academy for it.

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