
Will bench pressing make my chest look more fat if i already have some fat, like will the muscle push the fat?

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will the muslce push the fat out and make my chest look even fatter?




  1. No, I wouldn't worry about that. Weightlifting will only make you look better. It takes a LOT of calories to build muscle, not only in the gym, but hours, even days after wards to repair the muscles.  You will be burning a lot of that fat as you build muscle.

  2. change the width of your grip, outer grip will work outer peck, inner grip inner peck, and dont forget to do dumbell flyes and do the same with push ups

  3. Yes and No. If you dont eat correctly, it will give you huge man b***s.

    You need to eat what helps burn fat, which is potassium.

    Potassium is combined with water and glycogen to power the body. If you dont have potassium, the glycogen turns to fat.

    Youll obviously have more energy also, which will help you lose fat even better.  

  4. The fat will still stay there because the bench press builds the muscle - Doesn't do much to the fat. What you can do is first concentrate on building muscle, then lose the body fat (body fat is something that happens for the entire body. Not specific body parts).

    Another method is the alternating method. You can read about it on my blog.

  5. hahaha

    nooo...wen u work out, fat goes away and muscle replaces it and tehn u look and feel better

  6. Yes, fat will still be on top of the muscle. Cardio will shed the fat

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